Alien Contact Investigative Reports Contents ACIR ~ ACE FOLKLIFE TJ Morris ACO ACE Folklife Author & Books Ghosts & Hauntings Myths & Legends Religion&Spirituality Supernatural&Mystical UFOLOGY & Ancient Alien Research – Book Reviews – ‘The Day After Roswell’ Ascension Center Organization on Alien Contact Investigations Research (ACIR) Assured Confidential Investigative Reports ~ …
TJMorris ET, The Intention Call, Stargate to the Cosmos 08/20 by TJMorrisETradio | Blog Talk Radio
TJMorris ET, The Intention Call, Stargate to the Cosmos 08/20 by TJMorrisETradio | Blog Talk RadioPlease Click Above to hear our RADIO SHOW about Extraterrestrials and the Akashic Field of Everything and all those above us in LEVELS who come and go. Body-Mind-Spirits having the Birth-Life-Death Experiences. Alien ET Spirit TJ Shares What Happens in …
TheresaMorris Now Theresa J Morris as ADD THE J
To all those who are business friends of mine: Hello this is TJ Morris aka Theresa J Morris. Back when I decided to begin a business in my own name it was because I was told to do so because I should own my own name. I bought the DOMAIN name from I kept …
By TJ What is Important 2012 Humanoid Consciousness Training ACE
American Chronicle | 2012 Humanoid Consciousness Training ACE Folklife STARGATE TO THE COSMOS ~ the quest of the future. Ascension Age 2012 & beyond is the time to officially adopt the name of the second level, which is outside of this universe. We are awakened now to the possibility that there are others who have …
2012 Mysteries of Ascension Age of the Alien Xenoverse
Hello World of the Ascension Age… We will be sharing our future which begins today in the now. We are learning more about our own physical and spiritual makeup we call the body-mind-spirit and how we are to accept that “Alien Civilizations Exist!” This is the Ascension Age. Primary Focus of our Soul by TJ …
“TAKEN UP” Book of Theresa – A Series of TJ of Ascension
Book of Theresa Ascension Age Keeper of the Flame (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “TAKEN UP” BOOK OF THERESA By: Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris T his will become your letter of authorization that will become known on earth. We shall send telepathic messages to you in the future for now your spirit cannot retain all that …
Alien ET Space Time for 2012
English: Artist interpretation of grey alien. Human is shown to give an idea of relative size. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Multiverse (Photo credit: kevin dooley) List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Photo credit: Wikipedia) ALIEN TIME By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris Alien ET TJ shares Aliens, Time Portals, UFO Connections, and other …