2012 ETHOS PREDICTION OF ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS RETURNING TO EARTH LORD’S DAY COMING TO EARTH DEC. 21, 2012 T. 11:11 LOGOS LITHOS STRATUM INFINITUM (Greek & Latin Root Words for Earth) “Lithos” (spelled lambda, iota with acute, theta, omicron, sigma) means stone, and “sphaira” (spelled sigma, phi, alpha, iota with circumflex, rho, alpha) means ball. Although …
Ascension Age Network Janet Airline
ASCENSION AGE HAD A BIRTHDAY We will now introduce the seven sisters and the seven heavens. Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse, Alphaverse, Omegaverse Janet Lessin and Janette Morris are the Two Janet’s of our Janet Airlines into the Xenoverse of the Unknown as the Mysteries of our Minds! Join our Ascension Center Network TODAY! We …