70 Year Old Prophecy : The Earth Will Soon Be Swept By Extraordinary Rapid Waves of Cosmic Electricity

Note: While I’m not one to read too much into prophesy, and I have not heard of this man before now, I did find this one to be quite interesting! — Editor   Found via RMN:   The prophecy was written 70 years ago.. and it’s absolutely mind-blowing!   Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as …

Choose the Omniverse That Serves You Best by Janet Kira Lessin

CHOOSE THE OMNIVERSE THAT SERVES YOU BEST Excerpt from “Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil” by Janet Kira Lessin I stood in the center of a wheel with 24 spokes, mulitverses that spread before me 360 degrees, choices of the roads of life, ways I could live, I might travel. Guides that surrounded me–non-corporeal, …

The 144,000 Beings of Higher Awareness by Janet Kira Lessin

In the beginning, one being held many souls in one humanoid avatar. This was the container for the Christed (light) consciousness. This being, was called Christ because it was aware of its existence as an eternal being who chose to come into form to gently nudge his/her fellow beings who had forgotten where they had …

What Is Ascension Center Education? Ascension Age? By Theresa J Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris ET

What Is Ascension Center Education? Ascension Age?  By Theresa J Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris ET Symptoms of the Ascension Process of Change in us all as Body Mind Spirits sharing the Birth Life Death Process we know as Ascension ACO Spiritual Science Gatherings, ACO, Spiritual Science & Gatherings We are raising our awareness in our time on …

Ascension Age of Ascension Center Organization Education

TJ MORRIS ACO ~Ascension Center Organization Ascension Age   Ascension Center Education ACE Folklife Historical Society TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club TJ Morris The TJ Morris ACO is the Operating Account which supplies our Associate Guides Commission and this is the explanation of our TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club we are building with …