Excerpt from “Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil” by Janet Kira Lessin
I stood in the center of a wheel with 24 spokes, mulitverses that spread before me 360 degrees, choices of the roads of life, ways I could live, I might travel. Guides that surrounded me–non-corporeal, but alive as anyone or anything else–said all the roads led home. No matter which road I chose, I would manifest my psychic potential, the inherent Janet. The sentient, conscious guides all about me can contemplate reality and ponder existence. They support me on whatever road I choose, for each road was but a variation of myself. For at the core I am everything and everyone I encounter on the road I choose and everything and everyone I meet on the road is but an aspect of myself.I saw everything around me 360 degrees through my mind’s eye that sees everywhere at once. I understood, comprehended that the choice was mine alone. And whatever I chose was and is valid.

Next scene, less destruction, more life.
My body and soul still racked by the intensity of what I had just witnessed, sat frozen, eyes unblinking as the next scene and the next continued to unfold. Each scene revealed a screen image and all the images, sensations, sounds, smells and emotions of everything and every being, create and feature that experienced each scenario from light to dark, good to evil, as destruction yielded way to more life and abundance.
Soon my tears of pain morphed to those of joy, pure bliss.
The scenes stopped unfolding. I had soon witnessed 24 multiverses, time-lines, scenarios of what would happen to me and all of me’s, all humanity, all life on the planet I was and am. A voice in my head asked in human words in English, “What reality do you chose for yourself and all humanity?”
The choice was now at the human level. And now I was me, who I had chosen to be, a human being. And my choice would be for all humanity. The choice I was to make was for the entire world?
And now, returned from my perspective of God and an eternal being into human form with limited capacity, I felt humbled and questioned, “Me? You want me to choose for all humanity?”
No answer. I knew I must not choose the reality where all was done, were pure utopia ruled our reality for at that level there would be nothing left to do. And the polarity with its dark aspects were the catalysts of creation and provided the mill of life upon which we grind out necessary lessons for our evolution of consciousness. Diversity sprang from this cesspool we’ve created and we need to embrace it at some point in order to co-create with God.
I chose the reality third from the end. It was a pretty blissful place but there was still much to do, enough to keep us busy, well stimulated with meaning and purpose so that more diversity could emerge from humanity’s group gestalt.
Decision made, I was teleported back to the point where I exited Earth to the exact point which was where I was stepping over a small white fence with my four year old foot raised as high as it good to step over. I had just been walking around, standing, moving, hadn’t I? But perhaps I was not physically there but remained frozen, like some bizarre statue that entire time? Or maybe I was taken physically and my form remained frozen on ship with my foot raised while my soul went on a tour of the ship.
My mind raced with a million questions. No answers were forthcoming. My mind still operated on high speed simultaneously contemplating that which had just happened while receiving a download that affects me to this moment. “You have come here to do that which will benefit all human kind.”
Those were the words I heard telepathically. But the understanding behind the words and the images and emotions unfolded. I saw my mission and life before me and I was filled with absolute joy of the holy spirit of Source and eternity. And full of grace I knew I could not go inside and tell those people who were my family what had just transpired.
I took a deep, deep breath as I saw the colors of the most brilliant sunset ever graced our skies. I took another breath and breathed in life and all of eternity as I knew we are on a path that in the end turns out well, the ending with the highest good for all beings and our dear mother Earth.
I saw the road before me, the road not yet traveled and it was full of variables, potential and possibilities. I saw Kennedy, Kennedy, King and Lennon, dead and not dead. I saw myself, dead and not dead and people I loved and were yet to meet, grow to love, dead, not dead.
I felt joy at the road before me. I took one last breath. The wind responded and kissed my face with its warm, spring breeze sending my sandy, corn-silk hair away from my face. I look it all in, turned to enter the house and vowed I’d be the best human child/daughter and sister I could for the duration of all that was yet to come.