Ascension, Featured, TJ Morris

What Is Ascension Center Education? Ascension Age? By Theresa J Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris ET

ascension-earth-0What Is Ascension Center Education? Ascension Age?  By Theresa J Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris ET

Symptoms of the Ascension Process of Change in us all as Body Mind Spirits sharing the Birth Life Death Process we know as Ascension

ACO Spiritual Science Gatherings, ACO, Spiritual Science & Gatherings

We are raising our awareness in our time on earth and we are above the galaxies and share that universal life that alien civilizations exist. Extraterrestrials from the heavens came have always come and do protect the planet. If we are to be more and advance then we are to learn those lessons from those who came before us and it is now time to share the stories from the spirit realm with that we share as the spiritual science way along with the ancient Sanskrit words of Life and Wisdom of Ayurveda and those of the past worlds here on this planet called MU and some call it Lemuria prior to Atlantis.

We are they also known in the Fae World that came by way of Lemuria, Atlantis, into the lands that we now know as Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Wales, United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, and love of those of our essence as spirit while traveling through the omniverse.

enlightenment-01The entire global community will perfect their own will and timeline while here as planetarians.

We have conversed about our will to affirm and to confirm the spiritual ways to improve the human species in health and prosperity. We are about the will of the all in all galaxies and all universes. We shall continue to service those who desire to terra form other planets.

Code of Ethereal Ethics will be enforced as we address the galaxy citizens to shape and form in this world in English to share in the determination of a working language in business in international trade for the internet in the World Wide Web. We shall now offer ancient aliens of humanoids of earth ancestors.

The Ascension process and the Signs and Symptoms associated with it are occurring on a personal and planetary level.

Knowing we are all spirit having the birth-life-death process to experience love of God and Goddess. This rings true in our own spirit. The spiritual inspiration of when one discovers another in our space we allow for some time to share in the most important speech craft and allowing for time in our lives.

We want to believe in our work for the ascension age of faith, hope, charity, love, and power of discernment.

Love of all human kind and things and sharing what can be in our future requires us all to be visionaries in the all and the “I AM”.

Prayer is that which we can share sending transmissions as we pray to send information and to ask questions Ascension is the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

ascension-0000images Meditation is to provide guidance and to receive information from our source by way of spirit.

Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness which creates a shift in consciousness.

When a particular life system raises its vibrationary state from one energetic state of being/realm of existence, to another higher one, it is ascending. Put simply, it is like tuning into a particular radio station frequency–you can’t hear a particular radio station unless you’re tuned in to its particular frequency.

OBE-NDE ESP Astral Travel Spirit Science with ACO

OBE-NDE, ESP, Astral Travel, Spirit Science with ACO

ascension1-purple-angel-1Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, heightened intuition, prophetic or precognitive dreams or visions occurring more often.

Noticing shimmers or sparkles of light within the environment, especially in nature, a strange haze, halos or auras around people or trees, plants and animals. Lights may suddenly appear more bright and intense, or unusual. Objects appear to fade away or dim in and out of focus. Unusual experiences with vision and perception in general.

Causing interference in electrical appliances; electronic devices behaving in an unusual way or malfunctioning within your presence, especially when you are in a heightened state of emotion such as anger or sadness; having light bulbs blow out or flicker when you are near.

The feeling or perception that time is speeding up or moving faster; feeling that you can’t accomplish all that you want or experiencing a sense of urgency or that ‘time running out’; also, a feeling that ‘something is about to happen’.

Changes in sleep patterns; sleeping for shorter periods and then awakening and falling asleep again; awakening often between the hours of 2 am – 4 am for no apparent reason.

ascension12333666A feeling of detachment or wanting to withdraw suddenly from family, friends and coworkers and habitual patterns that once excited you. The feeling is not due to depression, but more from a sense of wanting to be in your own space or not being able to relate to them in the same way as before. Feeling Different

Feeling as you don’t belong, as if you are invisible to others, or as if you are a total stranger. Strange moments where you feel others can’t hear you, or you can’t hear or see them.

Looking out at your environment and feeling as if you are experiencing a dream world or alternative reality, that it’s not real or something looks ‘fake’, out of place or unusual.

A strong feeling that you are lost and don’t know ‘who you are’. A feeling of being someone other than you thought you were before. Periods of wanting to ‘find yourself’. Feeling different in general.

A sudden feeling of being connected to nature and animals like never before; an increased sensitivity to plants, trees, flowers; a deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals, and more natural or serene environments

ascension-girl-1111-imagesAbrupt changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area

Profound sense of connection with angelic and cosmic beings and an Increase feeling of Divine Love; moments of deep revelation and appreciation for life; a feeling of love, peace, understanding and interconnectedness

A sudden increase in synchronicity – meaningful coincidences that occur when you least expect them. You may notice 11:11 and other repeating number sequences such as 111, 1212, 333, 444, 144, etc., popping up in your day-to-day life in unusual ways whenever you ‘happen to look’

Increased “self-talk.” You’ll find yourself talking to your Self-more often. Experiencing more telepathic communication with close friends and family, and even animals. Moments in conversation where you feel energized with extremely clear and profound speaking and then not being able to recall or repeat it the same way or with the same clarity, as if it were profound wisdom coming from your higher self.

rebirth-hiroko-sakai A deep longing to go Home. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a “suicidal” feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration.

Ascension changes are occurring on all levels of your being.

During the ascension process changes are occurring on all levels of your being. Ascension is a completely natural universal evolutionary process. As one shifts in vibrational frequency and as their awareness expands, symptoms are experienced on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Your system is rebooting, being ‘tuned up’ or upgraded. Old patterns begin to fall away as one starts to embody much more light.

There is a lot going on inside of you. As one moves through the Ascension process there may be periods where the energy and symptoms become much more intense for several days or weeks at a time; then suddenly these symptoms may abruptly cease altogether for a while, or symptoms may suddenly change or shift in intensity or frequency.

The ascension experience is different for everyone and symptoms can vary according to one’s individual degree of awareness, personal vibration, spiritual practice and even individual purpose on the planet.

Please Note: Not all of these symptoms can be assumed to be attributed to the ascension process only.

Please follow your own inner guidance, use discernment when necessary and consult a health care professional as needed.

ascension process rebirthAscension Signs & Symptoms

You just ‘know’ or sense intuitively that something is happening to your body and you feel different. Your body does not respond as it did previously to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual patterns.

Your body just feels “different” for reasons you can’t explain.

You may feel like you are ‘going crazy’ at times and the strange feelings are hard to explain.

Changes in diet and eating habits, food tastes, and digestion. You may fluctuate between feeling hungry all the time to the inability to ingest food or lack of appetite. Sudden cravings for particular foods; suddenly liking foods you never liked before and sudden aversions to foods you used to enjoy.

Body aches and pains all over or in particular areas; soreness in joints, muscles and bones for no apparent reason, and not due to physical exercise or fatigue.

12around1ascension1Pyramid Foundation

Feeling out of breath, like you can’t breathe deep enough, or breathing too fast for normal comfort; sometimes noticing you are holding your breath a lot. Changes in breathing changes in general. Being aware you are breathing rather shallow sometimes for no apparent reason.

Being aware of all around you and your breathing shifts to seeing more vibrantly around you. Noticing how things change faster now.

Blurred vision when reading or looking at long distances. Light sparkles or flashes of light in the peripheral vision from time to time, even after any eye problems have been ruled out. Awakening of the Third Eye (inner vision). General changes in vision and perception.

Rapid heart rate, heart palpitations or flutters that occur from time to time spontaneously and not related to physical exercise or emotional upset. Awakening of the Heart Chakra (heart-centered consciousness and love).

Pressure and pain in or around the head and face area, including skull, eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth and gums, often times shifting from one side to another. Wanting to brush your teeth more and to massage your gums for whatever reason makes one feel inadequate in body and in form.

Ascension AngelIrritable bowel symptoms or changes in digestion; fluctuating between periods of diarrhea and constipation; Increased gas, bloating or a feeling of ‘fullness’ not necessarily due to diet. General stomach area or digestive discomfort or ailments.

Feeling ungrounded at times for no apparent reason; feeling disoriented, confused, spacey or lightheaded or dizzy.

Weight gain or loss, suddenly or slowly, especially in the abdominal area, even if there are no changes in your diet.

Back aches in any or all areas, pain along the spine, pain or soreness in the neck and shoulder areas. Body aches and pains in general

Changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold.

Frequent headaches or migraines that don’t respond to medicine; sharp pains or strange sensations that suddenly occur in the head/skull area, often in one particular spot or side, often alternating sides.

Feeling of intense or uncomfortable head pressure, often at the skull/crown area as if your head is being squeezed.

ascension multiple people_500x646Moments of memory loss that may occur on and off or for short periods of time; brain freezes or brain fog, forgetting why you’ve walked into a room; often forgetting simple words during conversations or forgetting what you are about to say.

Clumsiness, lack of coordination control at times, bumps into walls or objects more often at times.

Tingling sensations or ‘falling asleep’ of limbs, particularly the arms, hands, legs or feet, but sometimes feeling this sensation at the top of your head or in other parts of the body that are uncommon.

Experiencing moments of audio dyslexia where someone is speaking but it is as if you can’t process the information or understand what they are saying; periods where words seem to lose their meaning or don’t make sense in the same way they used to.

Bouts of crying for no apparent reason; bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.

Sudden itching all over or in various areas of the body for no reason; also, skin rashes, swelling, and other unusual skin changes.

Bending Reality Changes in hair texture and even slight changes in color or highlights; thinning or dry looking hair that suddenly returns to normal; hair and nails flowing at a faster rate than usual.

Feeling unusual vibrations or a vibrating sensation within the body; periods of unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apparent reason.

Unusual, intense or wild dreams or visions that can be pleasant, or even frightening; reoccurring dream themes or certain people appearing in dreams often; bizarre abstract dreams that are difficult to explain. Periods where you cannot recall any dream activity at all.

Periods of extreme fatigue for no apparent reason that happens out of the blue, or upon awakening although being fully rested; also, periods of feeling wide awake and energized despite lack of sleep.


ascension-222imagesChanges in hearing or unusual sounds; ringing in the ears, hearing beeps, pings, tones, frequencies, whooshing or pulsating sensations. Periods of extreme sensitivity to sounds where they appear louder than usual, and periods where sounds seem more muffled. Sounds when listening in general and one may find it harder to pay attention. We recognize other vibrations and sounds in the background when listening more intently from time to time. We go in and out of listening and fading away into another state of consciousness while people talk to us. We show signs of being far off and others may comment about us not listening.

Cold/Flu like symptoms that appear and then disappear without actually developing a cold or flu.

Hot flashes or night sweats; feeling heat sensations throughout your body for no apparent reason, or sometimes unusual chills that come and go.

A Word of Advice while on Gaia to all who have come to the planet earth for each generation on earth.

Ascension-2222imagesWe welcome all world religions that have been instrumental in shaping our working world and the present. We have honored our nature and culture with the creation of the future and the future telepathic future of the most receptive of those who are of the spiritual realm and of the Fae thought wavers in prayer and meditation. Some will still desire to share in spiritual group’s guidance and from those who from the heavens came and to those who are individual units who keep their vessels clean.

We are simply here to inform and guide all souls who are coming to the working world to prepare the way for all future eternal spirits of the universe. We share in the process of enlightenment and we share the “ALL of the OMNIVERSE”.

Presently we share the five levels of the favored traditions of the lower five dimensions of the worlds that exist of the eternal extraterrestrials of thorough thought forms that send the spirit to the eternal creations for the all that shall come after.

We are aware of those who come to be awakened to this level of Gaia and to share those who lived before for those who experienced the past to be learned about by all in the future that would reappear in thought form.

ascension-5432imagesAscension Age Portals Opening allowing the human race to feel connected to parts of the world as Gaia and Mother Earth

The ascension age is the new portal of 11-11-11, 12-21-12, and 12-13-14 for the spiritual embodiment of the all souls day. The spirit is only one level of life that returns to the soul of all creations in the elsewhere of the omniverse. This will share with the message of only one master and the divine creation of the all. Some believe in the creation of the all three in the guidance of the ways in the past.

Communication Skills – Community Online Practicing Skills (COPS) and Caring

Body-Mind-Spirit of the Birth-Life-Death process is of the three and that of the TJ of the communication for our level of existence that comes and goes from within and without for that which is love and light and the Christed one.

Feeling connected to the past, the body-mind-spirit scribes in all things and in all one.

The knowledge of TJ of The Science of Light and Life with a Constitutional Model and a new Aim to provide guidance.

The wisdom of life in science of the spirit and ancient wisdoms with modern technology as everything of the all.

The Pure Science of Life and Pure knowledge

We never stop seeking as immortals and alien ET hybrid contactees that focus on the soul and being one in the all.

ET Contactee to some and a Social Entrepreneur to share in the life of immediate needs of our own soul and to be in service to others at the same time. To share in health and prosperity of all.

To end poverty and to share what we can in a code of ethics as the love of all and God is Love.

We share predestined observation of our own eternal creations of the Omniverse creators.

We know of the original Eternals and those who are thought forms.

(Note: Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully.)

TJ Morris ET Radio

We share ACE Folklife on the Internet and ACO Culture Club with the Ascension Center Organization.


We shall do what we can to remain plugged in as writers in the Ascension Age in the Community Online Practicing Skills as COPS of the Internet.

We share the Spiritual Paranormal are the ways of all topics, all words, and the mysterious brain as the neuro brain system in us all while in this form of a contained humanoid of the sentient intelligent being species.

We know we are all seen as one species from above.

Enjoy the contact of the Internet road to see and experience each other online.

This is the way of the future.

Be in truth and be seekers of truth. Love and Light to All~ TJTeachers-zen-Proverb-300×2602




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