Ace Folklife

ACE Nonprofit Inc – Articles & By-Laws

ACE FOLKIFE Ascension  ACE Nonprofit Inc
ACE Nonprofit Inc




ACO/ACE Invitation to ACE


TJ Morris ET Radio on blogtalkradio will be LIVE again on April 4, 2013 as in our ACO CLUB and Ascension Center Organization. We will now have the ACE Nonprofit Inc to arrange for our annual convention and association of our Associate Guides.


C/O TJ Morris dba ACIR

 Theresa J Morris

260 Carolyn LN

Beaver Dam, KY 423220

ACO dba Ascension Center Organization

What´s New = Event the Greatest of Whales is helpless in the Middle of a desert.

Our purpose revolves around creating exciting, inspiring, fun filled events where you can connect with like-minded souls or discover a product or idea that will enhance your life!

Discover each conference of colleagues

In depth insights from its individual show page :   

You can create a custom program guide, view more exhibitor details than ever before and even print individual vendor’s expo coupons and specials directly from our site.

Best of all you’ll enjoy an inspiring, amazing weekend at the New Stargate To Atlantis~ New Beginning Body~Mind~Spirit Expansion.

Purchase ticket for any show in advance of the event. So prepare for your ultimate day at the _______________________ and we will see you there.

TJ MORRIS ACO ~Ascension Center Organization ACO CORPS~ACE COPS©


Ascension Age Social Behavior


By TJ Morris ACO  Service Club



TJ Morris




Copyright Owned by Theresa J Morris

TJ Morris dba ACIR


The TJ Morris ACO is the Operating Account which supplies our Associate Guides Commission and this is the explanation of our TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club we are building with Agents – Authors, Consultants – Organizers with the American Community Online of the COPS as Community Online practicing Skills Group we also call the Alien Contact Investigations Research Group, the ACIR and ACO owner is TJ Morris of USA. TJ Morris Timely Manor Books, ACE Folklife Book Club and TJ Morris Entertainment Organization. We are friends and associates of the TJ Morris ET Radio on blogtalkradio.


TJ Morris, Founder

Janet Kira Lessin, Mgr.

Ascension Center Education

Hawaii, USA


In an alliance and cooperation effort to Co-create with TJ Morris ACO

Operating account

20% Commission is paid to each of our members for their shared co-creations with TJ Morris ACO as Agent and Accountant of Operating Funds for our Company.

We are authors with TJ Morris Publishing, Timely Manor Books that will offer the ACE Folklife dba ACE and ACO dba Ascension Center Organization


Ascension Center Organization


Introducing the ASCENSION AGE

TJ Morris also known as Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris could not be here but I have been chosen to be awake and aware of my presence as in service to others and desire to make this presentation on behalf of the Ascension Center Organization for all of us who are now Associate Guides.

Officially began December 26, 2012 after the December 21, 2012 Calendar Date to end the New Age.


We are sharing our ACO Social Service Club.


What Will You Learn?


How to Improve your Personal & Business Skills


We assist everyone who becomes a member by updating our knowledge & gaining new information together in our social service club whether office or church..


You’ll also find Continuing Education courses here as well.


•                                                                                                                                                Great Networking Opportunities, especially for your career, when you meet people within your same area of interest.


If you have a Hobby, you’ll definitely find something of interest.


The ACO Creativity Workshops are experiential workshops of doing and experimenting. You will go straight to the source of your imagination and outrun creative blocks including negative self-criticism.


The Workshop’s exercises, techniques and instructor talks are focused on helping you:


•                                                                                                                                                Learn practical techniques to stimulate your creativity and imagination


•                                                                                                                                                Get in touch with the innate creativity you already have.

•                                                                                                                                                Explore creativity as a way of life:


•                                                                                                                                                We share in a process rather than just a product while we add services of instruction.


•                                                                                                                                                Find inspiration in the world around you.

•                                                                                                                                                Get over creative blocks and the fear of failure.

•                                                                                                                                                Learn how to make time in your life for creative work.


ASCENSION AGE 2012 & Beyond will Deal with Outreach Groups for those who desire to create the future with other men and women who are artists, writers, educators.


1.                                                                                                                                               Instructors’ talk: How some famous writers, scientists, and artists found their inspiration, and how you can use some of their methods to find yours?


More on Daily Schedule we will discover the inner self:


•                                                                                                                                                Supreme Beings that some call God and Goddess or Mom and Dad in the higher realms above the level of this planet.


•                                                                                                                                                7-seven heavens, seven realms, and seven dimensions in this world at present.


•                                                                                                                                                11 and possibly 13 dimensions

At this time based on various theoretical formulas there are theoretical physicists who are working out the possible hypotheses for us all in time and space and possibly something much more cutting edge than space time in what we call quantum entanglement at the present time of the bulk of what we call the “ALL of EVERYTHING.”.


We all may be feeling that “I have a feeling I may have some of the glue that will fit all the various pieces of the puzzle together”


We share this as what TJ coined in a phrase term as what we now call Global Tectonic Economics. Or GTE of the Ascension Age or the New Age.


Ascension AGE is NOW!


•                                                                                                                                                We can all say, “I know that now. It took me a while to assimilate the past information.”


•                                                                                                                                                Some of us now share, “I channel and have downloads of pure thought that seem from a higher self. “


•                                                                                                                                                Some of us who have died and came back, or had a near death experience or NDE come back believing we are an n Avatar Ascension Master that I have become over time.”


TJ shares that this took at least 9 past lives and working very hard at becoming.

TJ of ASCENSION learned to become more spiritual.


TJ learned over time that which is the power inside of me is God/Goddess.

In order to share God in us all or what we believe to be the God/Goddess in us all which is good we must first believe.


What was to be discovered by others which are outside of me is our co-creation…


The story is a work in progress by both TJ and Janet.


The two Co-creators of the new awakened awareness with others we call Associate Guides.


It’s a long story and one that will take at least a century to tell.


Learning how to cope with family when they are making the wrong choices and asking me for help.


•                                                                                                                                                It is hard to teach others about lessons in life.

•                                                                                                                                                Rocks in the road on our path which we are all on anyway.

•                                                                                                                                                We are all on the same life path.


Meaning we are all here on the same spinning orb traveling through space at 18 miles an hour.

Some of us are paying more attention than others as to our exact location in space.


I got an interesting call from family who needed assistance. Our family is now made up of five generations and soon to be six generations at one time on earth.


In the past our American Culture was made up of 20 year intervals or when we had a time swap and we were conditioned to program out statistics every 20 years or when certain planets affected our orbit in space.

It is still that way to some degree because we still have astrologers but these planets may be off by 5 signs depending on who you ask.


Using the astrological chart on earth given to us by our ancestors to follow is a way to confirm we always knew of the force and the source above and the magnetic flow of particles and waves that we all are. That we were co-created from similar energy and activity we call star dust. We know we are from the stars.

•                                                                                                                                                How many planets are really out there?


This is why we now have satellites and Planets orbiting earth and sending all types of particle beams back at us including the microwaves we use in our on cell phone communication and our satellite televisions.


Does anyone really know how many actual private satellites are orbiting this planet?

Is it the job of our government or NASA in North America to let the people know?


Well, these types of thoughts don’t usually enter the relatives of my husband’s here in Kentucky, USA.


TJ’s Testimony of the founding of the Ascension Age:


I was sent here by my Higher Supreme Beings to share in raising awareness for all the children on this planet. When I accepted the job I had no idea what I was agreeing too!


But then I was at a disadvantage. I was out of body and just wanted to return to my physical body back on the planet where I was having a child named Ginger Theresa Fay Parrish as her given Christian name.

I was born in the church as was she. Meaning we were born in the middle of the American Culture before the Internet and we really had to think about International Relations.

I wasn’t even supposed to know what a computer was yet much less how to fly them in space craft not of earth origin.

What I am learning is that people on earth are very young spiritually and have not been doing their own spiritual work and this is causing the world to fall behind in the rotations around the sun and this causes more solar flares in the ebb and flow of time in space inside the galaxy we are using at the moment.


Since I have taken the job in this lifetime on the exact day of January 27, 1974, I have learned to be patient.

I shall now address those on the planet that I came back for in order to explain my presence here.

I am here to do a job and that is to introduce the world to the Ascension Center and the Ascension Age.

“I only wish that more people could experience what you have to offer. You gave me a feeling a freedom that I NEVER felt before. Thank you for touching my soul, for helping me soar!”


Upcoming Workshops


•                                                                                                                                                On-Site Training

•                                                                                                                                                Personal Mentoring

•                                                                                                                                                Subscribe to Newsletter

•                                                                                                                                                Share on facebook Share on Twitter Share on linkedin Share on email More Sharing Services


•                                                                                                                                                The Creativity Workshop is inspiration for the creative heart, mind and soul.


It gives you tools that will creatively guide you wherever your path may take you.


•                                                                                                                                                Who We Are


•                                                                                                                                                How We Think


•                                                                                                                                                Our Clients


•                                                                                                                                                Creativity Articles


•                                                                                                                                                Subscribe to Our Free Newsletter







TJ Morris ACO shares access to our ET Radio Associate guides as personal consultants.


We are genuine in our  personal or professional development seminars and events.

We share our friends who  give  tools to expand  building  a solid foundation as a frame of mind for truth we co-create in our future.

We are about the future of ET Radio and future ET TV.


TJ MORRIS ACO  Associate Guides hope to make the search for  our seminars and workshops  an enjoyable experience with TJ and Friends.

We are about you and learning about  all the information you need to make an informed decision on the best seminar for you and your life goals.


Our Mission


To share health and prosperity for all in our Alien ET UFO Community with friends  and Seminar Presenters together in a fun, comfortable and educational environment.


We are here to serve  others in the interest of seminar goers  providing  a comprehensive  history, study of our researchers directory of personal and professional development seminars and events.


Who We Service:


ACO Social Service Club Seminar Inner Circles bring information on  value added seminars.

TJ wants to make sure that her friends are truly friends of their truth and we do not judge others for their chosen path as Lightworkers and Truthseekers.


We work with authors, speakers, social entrepreneurs who come together  to make sure all seminars offer great value to the attendees.


We understand that most free seminars are government or company sponsored and that they may offer additional paid for courses during their seminars.


This is an information based  ET Talk Radio only and  we do our best to keep all information accurate and Up-to-Date with Alien ET UFO Community.


We share growth and maintenance  fro COPS or Community Online Practicing Skills.

We are Mediators, and Seminar Speaker Presenters of the Ancient History Truth and the Modern Day Findings of Fact.


We  can share as Archivists and Researchers.


We present our research in documentation presentation, and in our videos.


TJ is on the spiritual path for enlightenment, truth, and wisdom.


Please join our,, and our We are Rewriting History. TJ Morris ACO.




Hawaii – Kentucky USA with Main Presenters and TJ Morris ET Radio Host

New York









New Delhi






On-Site Training

At our Seminars




Personal Mentoring

Information for:





Creative Artists

Performing Arts

Career Change




Other Professions


Special Offers

Daily Schedule




Social Service Club Community Online Practicing Skills


To advocate awareness through education in sustainability of planet and species advocating exploration of planet and space while promoting human rights as consumers in growth and maintenance of a global community. We share our social networking online in cyberspace advocating communication education and in social media publications. We promote virtues in morals, ethics, and sovereignty. We advocate for trade and commerce as global tectonic economics as health and prosperity for all with UNESCO. We share art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife traditions. We are advocates of body-mind-spirit environmentally conscious consumer products and services of the ascension age. We are advocates of both arts and sciences as we believe in sustainability of both planet and species.

Personal Consultants Community Online Practicing Skills as PC COPS

Intelligence Services Online in Public Security as in Personnel and Information Security Online.

We work in trust and verifying members who are in alliance with our spiritual intellectual integrity.

We specialize in Personnel Information Security and Consumer Reporting Educational Awareness.

We have specialized fields in investigations as Investigative Reports in Journalism, Websites, Ebooks with ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Publications and Documentaries in audio, video productions online. Interests specialization in metaphysics, paranormal investigations, and spiritual communication, and Intellectual Property Assessment and Social Behavior specialties. We work together in the spiritual sciences. We are a holding corporation of various similar interests groups in opportunities online while taking advantage of co-creations as producers, speakers, coordinators, in arts, entertainment, and education as investments in educational opportunities for the future. We are Futurists. We share our work as co-creations in sustainability of our global community. We are on a spiritual journey of exploration while being the authors of our own life stories separately and together as a social network.


Seminars and Workshops of  Authors/Speakers/Entrepreneurs

Spiritual Education for Adults Continuing Education in ACE FOLKLIFE IN USA.

ACO Seminars and Workshops for Lightworkers and Truth Seekers.

Sometimes we share our topics, and training. We like to go to Indiana to the Light Centre or Pegasus Spiritual Seminars. Some prefer to call Spiritual Mediumship the world of the Light Center as a non-denominational “church.” Our church services are at 1:30pm unless one of our associates such as Pegasus is having a Fair or Retreat, then the Light Centre will be closed. “Church,” is a discussion, a round table discussion and some prefer to sit outdoors while others enjoy sitting around a table.

See ACO dba Ascension Center Organization Convention

Constitution and Bylaws.

ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society and ASSOCIATE GUIDES Speakers Club


We share various times to have speakers give Free Lectures while we have a room for our readers and our Authors, and a Room we make Videos.

We share ACE FOLKLIFE with students mostly of University of Alabama or Owensboro Technical College.

Some of us prefer to meet in a room in the County Libraries with others who study Alien Contact Investigations Research of Super Natural Phenomenon, the Paranormal, and UFOS or have had ET Experiences. We share our lives with each other in our peer groups of similar interests.


We decide who will be the main speaker for our

Train the Trainers in Speaking Skills.


We are like the Local Toastmasters Club in this Tri-State Area and are in alliance with some of our members in Toastmasters and Mufon..


We also share with various Veteran Organizations with different folks leading the conversation for the day on their chosen topic. Smoking is usually allowed at the Light Centre, except on rare occasions, and “No Smoking” will be posted previous to these rare occasions.


ACIR Since 1978 and American News Center in Kentucky officially since 2002.


We shared ACE Folklife as adult’s continuing education and we set up a charter and corporate bank account with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws in 2007 and we still hold our charter but not our bank account. We have turned the management over to TJ Morris ACO for the Operating Account.


Theresa J Morris is the Agent for our Ascension Center Lightworkers, Truth Seekers, and Toastmasters Teachers and Speakers Monthly Meetings.


The Ascension Center Light Workers were founded in 1989-1993 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Retreat Center had ten rooms for a safe house for men in Honolulu,, Hawaii with Gerald W. Orr.


Theresa (Tara) Thurmond attended PSI Seminars at University of Hawaii and at the Hilton Hawaiian Village along with Spiritual World Network and TJ began World Information Network as WIN and Psychic Network Inc.,


In 1979 a Tantra Temple Spiritual Retreat Center in Maui, Hawaii with Dr. Alexander Sasha Lessin and Charles Muir and later with Janet Kira Lessin in 1993. Janet Kira Thompson then and Theresa J Thurmond were both attending Richard Higashida’s Spiritual Church. It wasn’t until 2012 when Janet Lessin and Janette (TJ) Morris found each other again and began the Stargate to the Cosmos Cyberspace Conferences and hope to meet at the future Annual Gatherings of the ACO Ascension Center Organization.


TJ Morris Productions worked with Louise of Pegasus Inc. Productions in 2003-2005 but have had a lasting spiritual higher level relationship.  There has been an existence for all ladies concerned with providing the place for both women and men to come together for over  20 years now, and continues to offer metaphysical classes, group discussions, and the certification classes for metaphysical ministers.


We believe much like spiritualists, but much differently at the same time. Most importantly, we agree to disagree about different thoughts and beliefs. Join us, and see how versatile and broad our thoughts are! Contrary to some belief, we DO believe in God/a creator who is wise, all knowing, and touches each and every one of us, every day.

Classes at both the Ascension Center in Hawaii and the Light Centre in Indiana are both uplifting and educational, all at a reasonable cost!

Most classes run $10. They are held on most Saturdays and some of them on Sundays following our Group Discussion (Church) which is held each Sunday, unless TJ Morris and/ ACO dba Ascension Center Education is at a convention, expo, or fair.

All of our teachers are very educated on their topics and have YEARS of experience under their belts in the Metaphysical studies.

Our classes may include:

Reiki, Tantra, ET Experiences,  Mediumship, Handwriting Analysis, Meeting Your Guides, How To Communicate With Your Guides, Healing With Color, Auras, Where Do We Come From REALLY?, Herbs, Tarot, Candles, Medicine Wheel, Dream Catchers, UFO’s, Symbols, Palmistry, and much more!



We would like to welcome you to join our discussions on Sundays, OR attend any one of our many classes offered at the Ascension Center Education Center!


Blessings and Love and Light. We share TJ Morris ET Radio with our Friends on


TJ Morris & Friends


ACO Agreement

By Members and For the Members who desire to join us as a contractor or vendor.


TJ Morris ACO  Ascension Center Organization



Project Management by and between TJ Morris and ACO

TJ Morris Publishing  defines the parties to the agreement and for:

The purpose of the project called ACO – Ascension Center Organization, Associate Guides and Associate Conference Organization for Alchemy Conferences Organizers.

For Business2Business only to be renewed annually if both parties agree.

This is by and between TJ Morris and ACO Ascension Center Organization – ACO is an Association of Associate Guides for doing business as Alchemy Conferences promotions of authors, artists, composers, and for promoting books, ebooks, websites, marketing and management online. Theresa J Morris, Agent for ACO dba Ascension Center Organization and ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society of Researchers in Art, Culture, Education as a Not for Profit 501C3 Association that is not incorporated.

Previous gentleman’s agreements no longer apply as of this dated agreement between these parties.


I. Parties


This Agreement is made this ______ day of ____________________,


(Year), between and among (name of first party) (Sponsor), and


(Name of second party) (Composer).


II. Project Administration


A. During and at the completion of the Residency Period, Sponsor


Agrees to:


1. Provide its professional services as administrator of


This program,


2. Facilitate and coordinate the exchange of information


Among all participants in this program,


3. Meet periodically in person online via SKYPE, LIVE STREAM, FACEBOOK,


And/or social media applications or by other means such as by landline telephone or cell phone with


Composer to plan, evaluate, and consider improvements to


The program,


4. Plan and carry out publicity for this program,


5. Cultivate regular and consistent contact with local and


Regional constituencies,


6. Maintain a documentary record (e.g., photos, recordings,


Videos, programs, posters, news releases) of the




7. Oversee and carry out the premiere performance of the




B.  During and at the completion of the Residency Period,


Composer agrees to:


1. Cooperate with Sponsor to actively promote and advertise


This program.


2. as of the effective date of this agreement, grant to Sponsor the right to


use Composer’s name, likeness, audio


and audiovisual appearances, and biography in


Connection with any promotion, advertising, and


documentation related to this program, and in any audio


or audiovisual program on Composer’s Residency Period


and/or this program, made by or under the authority of


the Sponsor, in which the composer may appear,


3. furnish Sponsor with a photograph suitable for scanning,


and a complete biography within 30 days of Composer’s


signing of this Agreement,


4. provide Sponsor with timely reports (every three months


Quarterly?) on the status of the Composition and


residency activities (see section V. below), beginning


(date), and continuing for the duration of the Residency




5. submit a final written report and evaluation to Sponsor


upon completion of the Residency Period.


III. Financial Obligations


A. Sponsor makes the following Grant to Composer:


1. The sum total of (dollar amount), together with any


travel reimbursement under III. A.3. below, represents the


entire payment obligation of Sponsor for the commission


and residency. Sponsor will pay Composer the total sum in


installments of:


1/3rd upon execution of this Agreement


1/3rd upon delivery of the completed score of the


Composition (per IV.B. below) to the Sponsor in a


form satisfactory to Sponsor


1/3rd after the premiere of the Composition and upon


receipt of Composer’s final report and evaluation, as


set forth in II. B. 5. above.


2. Sponsor will reimburse Composer up to (dollar amount)


for preparation of full score and parts.


3. Sponsor will reimburse Composer for travel to the host


community, up to a total of (dollar amount) upon receipt


of documented expenses.


B. By signing this Agreement, Composer agrees:


1. to be responsible for all taxes pertaining to these




2. that s/he is receiving benefits from Sponsor by this


Grant, that s/he is bound by the terms of this


Agreement, and that all rights under Section II.B.2.


above are hereby granted.


C. If for any reason the Composer does not fulfill all the terms


of this Agreement (see VIII. E and F.  below), the Composer’s


sole liability to Sponsor shall be the refund of the


paid, and upon such refund, neither party shall be under any


further obligation to the other party.


IV. Composition


A. In cooperation with the musical/artistic director of Sponsor,


Composer agrees to compose a musical work (Composition) as


specified in Attachment A.  Composition shall be


approximately ___ to ___ minutes in duration. Composer agrees


that the Composition will be written for the


instrumentation/scoring as set forth in Attachment A.


B. Composer will deliver one clearly legible, performance-ready


copy of the completed score of the Composition, and one


clearly legible, performance-ready copy of each instrumental


part, if applicable, extracted from this score to Sponsor on


or before (date–at least 90 days prior to premiere).  (See


Attachment A for specifications regarding score and parts.)


The preceding copy of the score and parts of the Composition


shall remain the possession of the Sponsor for its sole and


exclusive use, and shall not be given, loaned, sold, or


rented to any other party without the express written consent


of the Composer.  Composer shall keep and retain ownership of


the original manuscript copy of the score.


C. At its own expense, Sponsor will make photocopies or other


reproductions of score and parts as reasonably needed for


performance use.  Composer hereby grants permission for such


photocopying or other reproductions via Attachment B, which


shall be signed by Composer upon execution of this Agreement.


D. Sponsor and Composer agree that the credit on the title page


of all published and unpublished versions of the full score,


in all publicity materials and programs, liner notes to


recordings, radio, television and Internet broadcasts,


presentations of the Composition in premiere performance and


all subsequent performances, shall indicate that said


Composition has been commissioned by Sponsor.


This credit shall read:


“Commissioned by (sponsor) and premiered by (information


about premiere: performers, conductors, location, occasion)


with support from (funders and other supporters of




E. Composer agrees to assist in preparing the above described


Composition for performance, to be on hand for consultation


during rehearsals, and to give presentations about the


Composition as part of the residency (see V. A. below).


F. Composer represents and warrants that, except for any text


owned by third parties and used by Composer after obtaining


permission from such owner, the Composition is Composer’s


original work which does not infringe upon any existing


copyright or any rights of any third party, and that Composer’s


execution of this Agreement and the rights conveyed herein


shall not interfere with, contradict, or contravene any


agreement that Composer has entered into with any third party.


G. Should the completed Composition include text, the text is to


be mutually agreed upon by the Composer and Sponsor.  If the


text is under copyright by any third party, it is the


responsibility of the Composer to secure any permissions


necessary for its use, and to pay for the cost of obtaining


such permission.  Such permissions shall be of sufficient


scope to cover all grants of rights in the Composition made by


Composer in this Agreement.


H. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in


this Agreement, all parties agree that the copyright of the


Composition together with all rights not specifically granted


to the Sponsor herein are and remain the property of the


Composer, and further that the Composition is subject to a


performing rights license with American Society of Composers,


Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), or


other performing rights organization.  All parties pledge to


take appropriate steps to protect of the Composer’s copyright


in connection with their uses of the Composition.


V. Residency


A. Composer and Sponsor  agree to carry out a residency plan in


the host community of up to (duration in weeks, months), not


necessarily continuous.  The residency will be designed in


such a way as to ensure that the Composer will become a


recognizable member of the host community.  The Residency


Period begins upon the signing of this Agreement and concludes


upon the premiere of the Composition.  A copy of the residency


plan is Attachment C.


B. All costs for the residency, including meals, accommodations,


and local transportation, shall be borne by the Sponsor.


Composer travel to and from the host community will be


subsidized by Sponsor, pursuant to III. A. 3. above.


VI. Performances


A. The premiere of the Composition will take place on (date), at


(location).    Composer agrees to be in attendance.


Additional performance dates of the Composition as part of


this program are as follows:


B. Sponsor agrees to make an audio and//or video recording of the


Composition, and to provide Composer a copy of and right to


use said recording.  Said recording shall be made with the


highest quality technical means locally available to the


Sponsor. Sponsor shall make reasonable efforts to obtain all


necessary rights and permissions from contributors to such


recordings to permit all uses agreed to by Sponsor and


Composer.  Sponsor shall inform Composer of any permissions it


does not obtain.


C. All costs associated with these performances shall be borne


by Sponsor.  Such costs may include but are not limited to:


copying scores and parts, local publicity, venue rental,


performers’ fees, programs, performance license fees,


administrative overhead, and recording. Sponsor may recover


these costs through revenues that include but are not limited


to: ticket sales, advertising, sale of goods and services, and




VII. Performance, Recording, and Broadcast Rights


A. Composer grants to Sponsor the exclusive right to perform the


Composition publicly without limitation or liability for


additional payments of any kind for a period ending (duration)


from the date of the premiere performance.  Composer further


grants to Sponsor a continuing, non-exclusive right to perform


the Composition publicly without limitation or liability for


additional payments of any kind for an additional (duration)


after the first anniversary of the premiere.  This paragraph


does not confer any performance, broadcast, publishing,


recording, or other rights in the Composition not specifically


named, nor shall it be construed in contradiction with any


previous agreements Composer may hold with a performing rights


society or publisher.  Composer’s performing rights society


retains the right to license performances, as applicable.


Composer and/or publisher retain rights to licensing income


derived from performing rights societies and to rental fees


for use of performance materials.


B. Sponsor will make requisite payments to Composer’s performing


rights society (ASCAP or BMI or other) to license its


performances of the Composition, including the premiere.


C. In the event Sponsor elects to record the Composition for


release on a commercial recording, a separate agreement


between Sponsor and Composer is required.  For such a


recording, mechanical rights will be payable to the Composer


at the standard compulsory license rate in effect at the time


the recording is issued.


D. Provided that the Composer’s right to receive the appropriate


broadcast royalties as set forth by ASCAP/BMI/other is


protected, Sponsor shall have the right to permit radio,


television, and Internet broadcasts of performances, as


specified in VI.A. above, of the Composition.


VIII. Limitations, Enforcement, and Jurisdiction


A. This Agreement, including all attachments, constitutes the


entire agreement among  the above named parties. No


waiver, change, or modification in this Agreement is valid or


binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all parties.


B. Each party warrants that it has the right to enter into this


Agreement and to grant all the rights it has granted through




C. The Composer is not an employee of Sponsor and the


Composition is not a “work for hire.”


D. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other


party from all claims, damages, costs, liabilities, losses and


expenses, including counsel fees, that it may suffer as a


result of such party’s breach of warranty.


E. No party will be liable for failure to perform as required by


this Agreement in the event that such failure is caused by or


due to illness or physical disability, acts or regulations of


public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, strike,


epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or


any other cause beyond the party’s control.


F. If either Composer or Sponsor is unable to fulfill the terms


of this Agreement, and if, after reasonable effort, a


resolution between the parties cannot be reached, then either


party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.  In


such a case, each party will hold the other harmless for the


termination of the Agreement, and neither party will be liable


to the other for any unfulfilled obligations as described




G. If this Agreement is terminated, Sponsor will reimburse


Composer for travel expenses incurred prior to the


termination, as per III. A. 3. above and Composer will refund


fees paid, as per III. C. above.


H. This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed under


the laws of the State of  Kentucky.  Any disputes


relative to this Agreement shall be settled according to the


laws of the State of  Kentucky.


IX.  Signatures:


(Sponsoring Organization is ACO Ascension Center Organization)  by Federal Tax ID #: 45-5208156


_______________________________ Date:_____________________


(Agent name is Theresa J Morris), (Owner)


____________________________ Date:_____________________


(ACO), Composer


Composer’s Social Security Number:




Composer’s mailing address: Composer’s telephone number:


_________________________          _____________________________


Composer’s cell phone: _________________________


Composer’s e-mail address:________________________________






The Composition will be written for electronic transmission called a score, book, ebook, talking books as a recorded audio book for audio and visual copies using a third party printer. This composition is by and between two businesses. (1.) Saeed Farman – Composer and (2.) Theresa Morris – Sponsor for a trial model sample to design as a project for use as a (3) Business2Business as a joint venture project namely Alchemy Conferences which shares marketing campaigns for their third party clients. This is for the purposes of marketing, management, manufacturing books, ebooks, audio, visual creations in social media as presentations to include other audio, visual I.T. transmissions and promotions online.

TJ Morris has an association company called ACO also known as Ascension Center Organization that promotes products and services which include instrumentation/scoring:

Provide a Document as a docx in Microsoft word as a Manuscript as a


First Edition Books by ACO Social Service Club of Associate Guides who desire to  share in  TJ Morris Publishing  marketing  media management of manufacturing of  books and ebooks.


B. All manuscripts, scores and parts must be clearly legible.  Computer printed manuscripts, scores are preferred. Any addition to this agreement must be included as an attachment.


C. Submitted manuscripts, full scores and instrumental parts must be provided


“camera ready:” suitable for reproduction in portrait format,


3/4” margin on all sides.  To assure the receipt of useable


performance materials, a sample of the book, ebook, business plan, proposal score and parts must be


reviewed and approved by the Site’s musical/artistic


director(s) prior to final submission of the Composition.


D. All scores and parts must be performance ready, and must


include tempo markings and  dynamic markings.


E. Vocal music scores must have text that is correctly aligned


with associated pitches.  If the composition is for a


cappella choir, a piano reduction of the vocal parts must be


included in the full score. A separate text page, with


translation if applicable, must be included.


F. The credit as listed in Section IV. D. above must appear on


the title page.


G. Copyright notification must appear on the bottom of the first


page of the score.


H. Copyright notification in book and ebook must be on the second page of the manuscript.


Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____






I hereby grant permission to (Sponsor) to make photocopies or


other reproductions of the score of my original musical work.


(Sponsor) is permitted to make as many said copies as are deemed


necessary for its use in rehearsal and performance, but not for


sale or publication.  This permission is granted by me as sole


owner of the copyright of this musical work.


__________________________________________ _____________________


(name) (Composer)   (Date)






Composer and Sponsor agree on the following plan for residency


activities, to be held at dates, times, and locations to be


mutually agreed upon by Composer and Sponsor.


Composer will participate in (number) periods of residency in


and near the Sponsor’s community.  These events will commence on


or after (date), and will conclude with the premiere of the


Composition, (date).


Residency events may include but are not limited to the


following: workshops, lectures, presentations, question and


answer sessions, seminars, and rehearsals, and conferences.


Composer will be present for at least one (1) but not more than


Three (3) rehearsals preceding the premiere performance of the


Composition, including the dress rehearsal.  Composer will be


available as needed to consult with the artistic director,


either in person or via telephone. This agreement supersedes any


previously dated agreement between these parties.












Alien Contact, Alien Technology, Alientology Amen Unity Amnesty-Human Rights Ancient Cultures SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS,


Religions and Paths to Salvation Angels Antikethera Annunaki Atlantis Lemuria Nephilim Sumeria Mesopotamia Apocalypse Armageddon ASTROLOGY Charts ASTRONOMY Pole Shifts Near Earth Objects Planet Nibiru ANTHROPOLOGY FOLKLORE Folklife Forensics ARCHAEOLOGY Ascension DNA Code Activation Ascension Consciousness Awakening Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism AUTHORS/Web Publishers AVATARS Reincarnation Light workers Star Babies Star People Walk-Ins BASES: Area 51 DAARPA Dulce Base HAARP All New Mexico Bases Roswell Mars Pine Gap Military Moon NASA Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center Cape Canaveral AIM SETI Arecibo SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR TOOLS COMPUTER SAVVY Internet Use Applications Building a Website Starting a Business Social Networks CRYPTOZOOLOGY BIG FOOT, YETI, ABOBMINABLE SNOWMAN LOC NESS MONSTER VAMPIRES Ancient & Present DIVINATION Ghost Hunters Premonitions Psychic Mediums Seers Nostradamus Spirit Guides Telepathy ET Disclosure Project Exopolitics Disclosure Government Cover Ups Conspiracy Theories EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION (ESP) Channeling Dowsing Levitation of Spirit Mental Telepathy Migrations of Birds PSI FUNCTIONS Psi miracles PSI People Synergistically Involved Global Brain Train Consciousness Critical Mass Mind Alternate Realities Spirits of electricity God Particle Poltergeist Time Displacement Time Travel & Distance in Space Cosmos Sages Organized divination




Extraterrestrial Education Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings Extra biological Beings (EBENS) FUTURE DISCOVERIES Science Technology Futurists Theories Theoretical Physics GUIDES & SAGES Ascension Age Masters Avatar Ascension Masters Mystics-Oracles-Psychics-Seers – Body-Mind-Spirit Lomi-Lomi New Age Culture Meditations Shaman Healers Hypnotism Yoga Joytish Reiki Hollow Earth Society Mayan Calendar UFOlogy UFOS & USOs METAPHYSICS Hollow Earth GLOBAL COMMUNITY CULTURES New World Order Walk-Ins Ghosts Energy Apparitions Ascension Channels Shroud of Turin SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS 1. ASPECTS & PROBLEMS Origin of Religions 2. EXTINCT RELIGIONS INSIDE EUROPE & OUTSIDE OF EUROPE Thinking of primitive people 3. EGYPTIAN RELIGION History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments Ideas of Death & Last Judgment 4. RELIGIONS OF BIBLICAL REVELATION CHRISTIANITY Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present JUDAISM Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism ISLAM History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism, DEITY WORSHIP Basic Modes between humankind & Deities Offering-Prayers-Rituals Animistic Preanimistic Theory. Theory of Original Monotheism Magic & Religion Celts & Slavs Greeks Romans Tibet China Japan Japanese Buddhism Shintoism Shamanism Totemism Extinct Religions Teutonic Gods Ideas of Death Magic of Runes Biblical Revelations Buddhism All isms Hindi Christian Various Jew Messianic Muslim THEOLOGY SPIRITUALITY & PHILOSOPHY Seers Folk Life History – Faes Nostradamus Star gates Time Travel UFOs Zechariah Sitchin UFO ORGANIZATIONS MUFON CETI CUFOS SETI UFORNA EVENT LINKS MAGAZINE LINKS TELEVISION LINKS WEBSITE & BLOG LINKS ACE FOLKLIFE Art, Culture, Education UN – UNESCO GLOBAL TECTONIC ECONOMICS Ancient Aliens XFiles The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE OF ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. Do Not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of word history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit USA, California, Hawaii, Kentucky specifically, and learn of Ancient Alien Theory, Ascension Age, Lemuria,  Atlantis, Egypt, MU, and other ACE FOLKLIFE as Art, Culture, Education and Promote the ACE FOLKLIFE LOGO-BRAND, ACO LOGO BRAND,  ACIR BRAND and TJ Morris BRAND some designed to include all and Business2Business Brands as Associate Guides.



Sexism and Racism

In other FORUMS we have been advised to clear this matter up we USE no N or SKIN WORDS!

NO GLBT TYPE of Inferred slang. NO Queer or Gay words that means about everyone.

Recent discussions regarding the topic of racist words have brought forth ambiguities regarding the usage of terms such as “nigga” and “nigger”.

As clarification:

-The term “nigga” is generally permitted as slang akin to “dude”.


-NO you must be gay or lesbian or don’t ask don’t tell slurs.

-Other terminology that may be considered racist will be evaluated on the context of the conversation.

-Otherwise ambiguous usage of racist terminology will be judged based on complaints: if a person finds a particular usage of a racist term to be offensive, and there is insufficient context with which to judge it as slang or casual usage, it will be dealt with accordingly.

-Blatantly racist remarks are not permitted, which includes the usage of racist terms in the midst of what is widely considered an insult or a flame. This may also include instances where racist terminology is used as merely a word within an insult, depending on moderator or administrator discretion.

Pictures and Images

-All Pictures and Images are requested to be at least PG rated.

-Any Pictures or images above general PG ratings will be subject to moderator or administrator discretion as to whether the images are pornographic or borderline pornographic.

-As general rules: avoid pictures or images displaying promiscuous, suggestive, or questionable behavior, as well as images depicting females or males in anything less than generally appropriate swimwear. Violations are up to administrative or moderators discretion.

-Pornographic images, including nude photographs or hentai, are not permitted under site regulations.

Moderator Behavior

Moderators, as site staff, are expected to behave reasonably and carry at least some semblance of respect for their position and other members.

Moderators should never edit member posts unless they break a rule.

When editing, moderators should:

-Appropriately censor offending words

-Add color to whatever segments they edit (traditionally in red)

-Write a brief reason for the message edit in a separate line at the bottom

When editing, moderators should NOT:

-Edit the entire post (unless the ENTIRE post is nothing but offences)

-Edit the post into something offensive or user-derogatory

-Edit rule-abiding posts (unless requested by the poster)

In General

Be good.

If you are not sure, ask an admin.

Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____ Copyright TJ Morris tm ACIR sm TJ Morris Publishing

Theresa J Thurmond Morris Copyright Owner as owner of TJ Morris Publishing a division of

TJ Morris ACO Ascension Center Organization

D&B# 124124038/ EIN#45-5208156

Copyright 2012 TJ Morris ACO., TJTM provides information and software only. This site is not a “lawyer referral service” and does not provide or participate in any legal representation.

Use of, and is a Personal Consultant Business2Business.

On Call, if anyone uses our websites they are subject to our Terms and Conditions.

The On Call Terms of Service for personal use under Open Source agreements or Business2Business agreements.

Permission is conditionally granted to redistribute and reproduce articles published in

TJ Morris Publishing and  on your  web site, for non-commercial purposes only

, and provided the copy remain intact and unaltered. For commercial reproduction, contact the editor.

If you wish to reproduce any of our articles on your web site, please make use of the following notices to be placed at the end of the article:

Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and

if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all re-posting.













Copyright TJ Morris tm ACIR sm TJ Morris Publishing


Theresa J Thurmond Morris Copyright Owner


TJ Morris ACO


TJ Morris Publishing


260 Carolyn Lane, Beaver Dam, KY USA 42320-9766




This e-mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §2510-2521 and is legally privileged.


This information is confidential information and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.


If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.


Welcome to our new Web site of ACO Ascension Center Organization of various special interest groups including


ACE FOLKLIFE and ALCHEMY CONFERENCES. Our TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club are vetted Associate Guides.


The information we have gathered and presented through our site has been of extreme interest to our visitors here at


There are no accidents, so people seeking spiritual enlightenment are often guided to this site with their intention to seek benefit from our ideas, information and offerings.




We’d like to provide some insight into our purpose and meaning to the online community.


All of us are seekers in some fashion. We share our TJ Morris ACO Ascension Center Organization insights behind how this site came to be.


Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris doing business as TJ Morris and ACIR, ACO, and ACE FOLKLIFE is included in


TJ Morris Publishing as a HOST, Agent, Sponsor. For more information contact Theresa Morris direct at




This section highlights many invoking thoughts and inspirational messages brought to us from the masters –


or those teachers placed here on earth to inspire Life Learning and more:


Spiritual Thoughts


We provide an open exchange of information, teachings and comments from our visitors.


We like to think of it as an expression of ourselves and other people’s interests and guidance.


More includes Associate Guides in art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife.


TJ Morris is a Business Administrator with emphasis in accounting who is now also a student of AIU a university online.


Theresa J Morris is the Agent for the ACO Ascension Center Organization Association not for profit . TJ Morris is webmaster for all websites for ACO.

Share this: See,





ACO dba Ascension Center Organization


To advocate awareness through education in sustainability of planet and species advocating exploration of planet and space while promoting human rights as consumers in growth and maintenance of a global community. We share our social networking online in cyberspace advocating communication education and in social media publications. We promote virtues in morals, ethics, and sovereignty. We advocate for trade and commerce as global tectonic economics as health and prosperity for all with UNESCO. We share art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife traditions. We are advocates of body-mind-spirit environmentally conscious consumer products and services of the ascension age. We are advocates of both arts and sciences as we believe in sustainability of both planet and species.

Personal Consultants Community Online Practicing Skills as PC COPS

Intelligence Services Online in Public Security as in Personnel and Information Security Online.

We work in trust and verifying members who are in alliance with our spiritual intellectual integrity.

We specialize in Personnel Information Security and Consumer Reporting Educational Awareness.

We have specialized fields in investigations as Investigative Reports in Journalism, Websites, Ebooks with ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Publications and Documentaries in audio, video productions online. Interests specialization in metaphysics, paranormal investigations, and spiritual communication, and Intellectual Property Assessment and Social Behavior specialties. We work together in the spiritual sciences. We are a holding corporation of various similar interests groups in opportunities online while taking advantage of co-creations as producers, speakers, coordinators, in arts, entertainment, and education as investments in educational opportunities for the future. We are Futurists. We share our work as co-creations in sustainability of our global community. We are on a spiritual journey of exploration while being the authors of our own life stories separately and together as a social network.





1 The Body shall be call the ACO .


1 This Body ACO dba Ascension Center Organization shall meet annually at convention, according to adjournment, but in case of emergency the President may call a special session with the advice and consent of the Mission Board, or two-thirds of the members of the Board present and voting may call a special session.

2 This Body ACO dba Ascension Center shall include in the meeting annually the state Mission Board also known as ACE FOLKLIFE dba ACE. ACE as the acronym for adult’s continuing education and art, culture, education. ACO Messengers shall be called Personal consultants to the Board of the Body.

3 This Body will allow members to join based on annual dues and tithing donations as love offerings to assist in the arts and sciences of humanity education in sustainability of planet and species.

4 This Body shall be allowed to participate in trade and commerce and all enterprises allowed by law.

5 This Body shall be known as a not for profit educational organization and charity fundraising allowed while interested in consumer affairs while advocating civil and human rights for all consumers who have the right to know of the best economical offerings in consumer products with educational awareness of what they are consuming. We will vote with our purchase power and become educated while sharing awareness of choices to vote when we purchase. We recognize purchase power as a platform group as a social network while caring and awake and aware of our sharing power and goodness as in caring for one another. We share our knowing and beliefs as in trust in each other as humans.


1 The membership of this BODY shall consist of messengers from cooperating affiliated offices, churches, associations, groups, as members of this organization as follows:

ACO Spiritual Retreats for authors, co-creators, educators and members.

(1)                                                                                                                                            Two messengers from each retreat, light center, education center, psychic awakening center, medical center, or church having one hundred members or less, which is in friendly cooperation paying annual dues with this organization as a convention in principal; is sympathetic with its purposes and work; and has during the fiscal year preceding been a bona fide contributor to the Convention’s work.

(2)                                                                                                                                            One additional messenger for each church, association, group, organization, education institution, shall be allowed for each additional two hundred fifty members, or for each $250.00 contributed to the Cooperative Program during the fiscal year preceding the annual meeting but no group, retreat, light center, education center, psychic awakening center, medical center, or church may be allowed more than ten (10) messengers.

(3)                                                                                                                                            Messenger’s cars will be sent, upon request, to individual post office boxes for their members which are registered post office agent to accept the membership cards in the U.S. Postal System in their zip code office of the region in the USA or in case of global organization by registered agent for the nation state or country and regional and local office. State Convention Office must be registered to hold conferences in their home state and be a member of the ACO Convention Directory.

(4)                                                                                                                                            Ballots will be issued to each messenger at the time one registers.


1 On the occasion of its annual meeting the Body shall elect by ballot, a president, a first and second vice president, a secretary, and one assistant secretary. Their duties shall be such as custom imposes upon such officers. They shall hold office until their successors are duly installed at the closing session of the annual meeting of the Body. No president shall be eligible to succeed himself in office. The President and the vice President and Secretaries of the ACO Convention shall be the officers of the ACE FOLKLIFE Mission Board of the ACO Convention.

2 Persons to be nominated as officers of the ACO Convention must be consulted and permission secured before their names are placed in nomination.


1 This Body has no jurisdiction over the local offices, churches, or the District Associations, and shall exercise no authority over them.

2 All single members will be assigned a personal consultant as an agent of our organization depending on their local office, church, in state by location and region of the United States of America.

3 All Agents are simply reporting agents for accounting purposes. Personal consultants are independent contractors for hire as life coaches and are listed by office, church, in local city, state, and region in our ACO Directory.


1 The Body shall be a medium through which the agents, offices, churches, in their sovereign capacity can work together in promoting all nondenominational enterprises which they deem necessary in carrying out the Great Commission of the Christ Consciousness Awakened Awareness of the Higher Self…


1 The ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Mission Board of this body shall consist of members from each cooperating arm as categorized by their elected business title as office or church in the District Association plus eight at-large members from the geographical region of the state in which they live and reside. Members must live and reside in a direct district to work in their district as member, and personal consultant, agent. The Mission Board membership from the associations shall consist of one member from each cooperating  District Association with a total office, church membership of five thousand or less, and one more member for each additional five thousand office or church members, or major fraction thereof, as reported in the Convention Annual Directory of the preceding year. Each District Association of our Personal Consultants Active with a total office church membership of five thousand or less shall nominate two persons for each membership on the Board of whom one shall be elected. Should any District Association fail to exercise this prerogative, then the Committee on Nominations of the Convention shall make the nomination.

2 The eight at-large members shall be elected from any cooperating affiliated Office Church. These members shall be elected by nominated by the Committee on Nominations of the Convention.

3 All members of the Board shall be elected by the ACO dba Ascension Center Organization for a term of three years, beginning in 2012, except those who are elected to fill the vacancies. Vacancies from death, resignation, or moving from the district association. A move of an at-large member does not constitute a need for a change in regional association. No member shall be eligible for re-election for one year after his term has expired except one who has been elected to fill an unexpired term. Members serving two (2) years and six (6) months shall be considered as serving a full three year term. Any vacancies on the ACO-ACE Mission Board not filled at the annual meeting of the Convention or which occur during the year shall be filled by the Mission Board Founder upon recommendations of the Convention’s Committee or Nominations. Mission Board Founder is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris.

4 The retiring President of the Convention shall be an at-large member of the Mission Board for one year immediately following her/his term of office.

5 The retiring President of the Convention shall be an at-large member of the Mission Board for one year immediately following her/his term of office.

6 Forty members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.


1 The Mission Board shall have charge of the work of this body for organizing events, of this body between its sessions and shall appoint all officers, agencies, committees, that may be required to perform duties in its work.

2 The Mission Board shall not contravene any Convention action.

3 The Mission Board shall neither create, accept, nor release any institution or agency for the ACO Convention, unless so instructed by the ACO Convention. The existence of any emergency in connection with an institution or agency shall be determined by a majority vote of the Mission Board in session, and the Board shall make recommendations to the Convention with reference to emergency.

4 The Organized Mission Board shall make a report to the annual ACO Convention. At least thirty days prior to this meeting the Board shall publish in the Anew News Guide its recommendations except in an emergency that may arise thereafter. Associate Guides Recorder of the ACO Members shall update members annually at least thirty days before the New Year. 2012 Members are now in the directory and updated monthly through release for following year. Cut-off date for inclusion in the project to be updated in a timely fashion is November 30th of each year. Those who join in December will be entered for the January Issue in the Associate Guides Recorder at


1 No person shall be eligible to serve at the same time on more than one Board of Trustees or Directors or Managers of any agency or institution, office, church fostered and supported by the whole of the ACO dba Ascension  Center Organization, except the Mission Board of the Convention, and shall not be eligible for election or appointment until he/she has been a member of the ACO for at least one year as a calendar year prior to nomination or appointment, and shall not be eligible for re-election after serving two full terms until having been out of office at least one full year, except the ACO Schools of Education as in the Ascension Center Education Institute Universities online  may have a maximum of eight (8) trustees per  brick and mortar college or university  outside the state; these trustees to be nominated from candidates who are members in good standing of cooperating fully with the ACE Academy and ACO Institute of Technology in their respective states in the United States or global work in the world information network online at the as listed in the overall course curriculum directory of offices and divisions by the global tectonic economic plates on the planet.


1 The President of the Convention and the Executive Director-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all committees as required to oversee the overall administration and accounting of the entire ACO. Certified Public Accountant Gerald W Watts, CPA of Beaver Dam, Kentucky was chosen by Founding President, CEO. Bank was chosen as US Bank, Old Hartford Road, Owensboro, Kentucky.


1 This Constitution may be altered or amended (except Article V) by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at any annual convention meeting, one year’s notice having been given to the proposed alteration or amendment.


1 The Body will remain perpetually however if for any reason body was to be resolved for any reason the assets would be liquidated and all proceeds will be given to a charity for hunger and poverty in America.

2 Fifty percent of the projects to be discussed as fund raisers will be to assist the hungry, homeless, women rights and government approved homeless shelters. We disburse in assigned regions according to Veterans Organizations Groups around the United States of America.


1 The Session of the Convention shall be opened and closed in prayer.

2 Visitors shall have the privilege of speaking in debate but not of voting.

3 Each member, when he/she speaks in debate or has any communication to make to the convention, shall address the president, and when he/she has finished he/she shall be seated. This Rule #3 of Bylaws must be read at each Convention to the masses in the beginning and shared with those by members to visitors and members who are arrive late in passing in case a visitor is new to the convention. This rule is placed in all publications for each annual convention including in the annual program for public relations purposes.

4 No member shall speak more than twice in any since debate or event on the same day without a two-thirds majority vote of the Convention except the President of the Convention and the Executive Director- Treasurer named in Annual Directory, and the Annual Program Guide with the Officers list.

5 When a member shall be called to order he/she shall be seated until the president has determined whether he/she is in order. An appeal may be made from the decision of the president in this as in any case.

6 When the president shall desire to be heard in debate; or to be temporarily absent, the Chair can be taken by one of the vice presidents, or in case of the absence of both vice presidents, by some member whom the president may select or elect as masters of ceremonies in the President’s stead when involved in another conference meeting.

7 In the election of officers by ballot submitted in writing which is a part of the annual program to be counted after left in ballot boxes at the entrance of the convention hall tables, if only one nomination is made and no other person desires to be nominated, the secretary may cast a the ballot of the Convention which is in writing and announced to the whole convention in the main meeting hall at the beginning and updated at the end of the convention meeting with ballots posted total for the coming year for results all do not have to remain present to win. We prefer the officers to remain until closing with nominees included to learn of results and to know their term of office and training time allotted.

8 The results of all balloted votes shall be made known to all messengers and recorders whether at the proceedings of the Convention. It being understood that these votes refer to the examination and election of all previous written ballots for the election of officers and any other ballot votes as assigned to debate committees for the next annual meeting.

9 All resolutions, memorials, and all motions except motions related to procedures made for the consideration of the annual ACO Convention shall be presented in writing. All resolutions and memorials shall require for passage the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present and voting which are a minimum of quorum of 40 members for the annual convention in 2014 as 2011, 2012, 2013 for the first three (3) years have been filled  voting to be held  for  all to follow annually. 1992-93 Ascension Center Education and 2007 ACE FOLKLIFE Art, Culture, Education.

10 No new item of miscellaneous business may be introduced in the last session of the annual Convention without unanimous consent of the Body. No motions to rescind a previous action of the convention may be made in the last session of the annual Convention except by unanimous consent of the Body unless it involves banking choice for the local agent as a personal consultant of the newest franchise if needed to form a new franchise which is normally handled in the US Bank chosen by the original founder as TJ Morris ACO, in Kentucky USA. First donations cannot be accepted unless recognized with the ACO Convention LOGO which is authorized by and through the President only for branding purposes.

11 The Presiding Officers for Banking Purposes is President and Executive Director-Treasurer. The presiding officers shall be empowered to sign for the entire ACO Convention.  The President of ACO will remain first opening Officer as President/CEO of the original ACO for the duration of her life as the first Life Coach to be recognized in the public and banking system in the United States of America. Upon her death then the Number #2 Account of ACO Hawaii will become the Home Office but until such time Kentucky is the original founding state with the original founder of ACO with the Federal ID of the Internal Revenue Service and the US Treasury which has been assigned in 2012. Second office is recognized as Ascension Center Education – Hawaii, USA. For historical purposes the original date of the first Ascension Center was filed on the record in Hawaii 1992-93 in Honolulu, Secretary of State Office of assumed names where all requirements were met and signed by Theresa J Thurmond-Orr at the time. Official documents as Hawaii Driver’s License and US Passport were used at the time of filing along with brand logo. Cost to use brand logo and name in Hawaii is now set at $250.00 but will increase to $300 for filing in each state hereafter as an Agent Office to be used for convention purposes and business enterprise in trade and commerce if other than the Founder, Theresa J Morris dba ACIR, Agent for ACO dba Ascension Center Organization, and ACE FOLKLIFE a 501C3 Not for profit corporation open source on the internet in cyberspace social networking as art, culture, education. ACO is assigned for trade and commerce of cotton products for branding purposes to be used in association with the ACE FOLKLIFE Brand for business enterprising purposes and more importantly recruiting members to our convention.

12 The Committee on Order of Business shall suggest an order of business for the next meeting of the Annual Convention at the end of the Convention. It shall provide periods of time during the early days of the annual convention for the introduction of all matters requiring a vote not scheduled on the agenda and in the annual itinerary program in the actual printed program of publications to be kept in a volume book by year. One copy of each annual program by year will be labeled and kept in a hard bound binder. When introduced unless the annual convention then gives its unanimous consent by hand raised voting as in all yeas and nays with the majority rules to accept the motion as presented in motion form to be adopted then shall fix time for the considerations of the same.

13 twenty-five percent of the registered messengers at any annual meeting convention shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

14 Any question that is not provided for by the foregoing rules shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order (Latest Edition).

15 The foregoing rules may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.

16 Committees of the ACO with Guidelines will be presented at the Mission Board of December and May meetings and of course other nominations may be filled as needed by the president. Meeting of the committees including special committees will be included as in those of the Civitan International Booklets as one of the organizations that has trained the president, Theresa J Morris, of Ohio County Kentucky, USA.

17 Committees on the annual awards and programs shall formulate the program for the annual meeting with awards to be presented to the winners of various contests held annually including the ACE AWARDS.



TJ Morris

Copyright Owned by Theresa J Morris

TJ Morris dba ACIR

TJ Morris, Founder

Janet Kira Lessin, Mgr.

Ascension Center Education

Hawaii, USA


In an alliance and cooperation effort to Co-create with TJ Morris ACO

Operating account

20% Commission is paid to each of our members for their shared co-creations with TJ Morris ACO as Agent and Accountant of Operating Funds for our Company.

We are authors with TJ Morris Publishing, Timely Manor Books that will offer the ACE Folklife dba ACE and ACO dba Ascension Center Organization


Ascension Center Organization


Introducing the ASCENSION AGE

TJ Morris also known as Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris could not be here but I have been chosen to be awake and aware of my presence as in service to others and desire to make this presentation on behalf of the Ascension Center Organization for all of us who are now Associate Guides.

Officially began December 26, 2012 after the December 21, 2012 Calendar Date to end the New Age.


We are sharing our ACO Social Service Club.


What Will You Learn?


How to Improve your Personal & Business Skills


We assist everyone who becomes a member by updating our knowledge & gaining new information together in our social service club whether office or church..


You’ll also find Continuing Education courses here as well.


  • Great Networking Opportunities, especially for your career, when you meet people within your same area of interest.


If you have a Hobby, you’ll definitely find something of interest.


The ACO Creativity Workshops are experiential workshops of doing and experimenting. You will go straight to the source of your imagination and outrun creative blocks including negative self-criticism.


The Workshop’s exercises, techniques and instructor talks are focused on helping you:


  • Learn practical techniques to stimulate your creativity and imagination


  • Get in touch with the innate creativity you already have.
  • Explore creativity as a way of life:


  • We share in a process rather than just a product while we add services of instruction.


  • Find inspiration in the world around you.
  • Get over creative blocks and the fear of failure.
  • Learn how to make time in your life for creative work.


ASCENSION AGE 2012 & Beyond will Deal with Outreach Groups for those who desire to create the future with other men and women who are artists, writers, educators.


  1. Instructors’ talk: How some famous writers, scientists, and artists found their inspiration, and how you can use some of their methods to find yours?


More on Daily Schedule we will discover the inner self:


  • Supreme Beings that some call God and Goddess or Mom and Dad in the higher realms above the level of this planet.


  • 7-seven heavens, seven realms, and seven dimensions in this world at present.


  • 11 and possibly 13 dimensions

At this time based on various theoretical formulas there are theoretical physicists who are working out the possible hypotheses for us all in time and space and possibly something much more cutting edge than space time in what we call quantum entanglement at the present time of the bulk of what we call the “ALL of EVERYTHING.”.


We all may be feeling that “I have a feeling I may have some of the glue that will fit all the various pieces of the puzzle together”


We share this as what TJ coined in a phrase term as what we now call Global Tectonic Economics. Or GTE of the Ascension Age or the New Age.


Ascension AGE is NOW!


  • We can all say, “I know that now. It took me a while to assimilate the past information.”


  • Some of us now share, “I channel and have downloads of pure thought that seem from a higher self. “


  • Some of us who have died and came back, or had a near death experience or NDE come back believing we are an n Avatar Ascension Master that I have become over time.”


TJ shares that this took at least 9 past lives and working very hard at becoming.

TJ of ASCENSION learned to become more spiritual.


TJ learned over time that which is the power inside of me is God/Goddess.

In order to share God in us all or what we believe to be the God/Goddess in us all which is good we must first believe.


What was to be discovered by others which are outside of me is our co-creation…


The story is a work in progress by both TJ and Janet.


The two Co-creators of the new awakened awareness with others we call Associate Guides.


It’s a long story and one that will take at least a century to tell.


Learning how to cope with family when they are making the wrong choices and asking me for help.


  • It is hard to teach others about lessons in life.
  • Rocks in the road on our path which we are all on anyway.
  • We are all on the same life path.


Meaning we are all here on the same spinning orb traveling through space at 18 miles an hour.

Some of us are paying more attention than others as to our exact location in space.


I got an interesting call from family who needed assistance. Our family is now made up of five generations and soon to be six generations at one time on earth.


In the past our American Culture was made up of 20 year intervals or when we had a time swap and we were conditioned to program out statistics every 20 years or when certain planets affected our orbit in space.

It is still that way to some degree because we still have astrologers but these planets may be off by 5 signs depending on who you ask.


Using the astrological chart on earth given to us by our ancestors to follow is a way to confirm we always knew of the force and the source above and the magnetic flow of particles and waves that we all are. That we were co-created from similar energy and activity we call star dust. We know we are from the stars.

  • How many planets are really out there?


This is why we now have satellites and Planets orbiting earth and sending all types of particle beams back at us including the microwaves we use in our on cell phone communication and our satellite televisions.


Does anyone really know how many actual private satellites are orbiting this planet?

Is it the job of our government or NASA in North America to let the people know?


Well, these types of thoughts don’t usually enter the relatives of my husband’s here in Kentucky, USA.


TJ’s Testimony of the founding of the Ascension Age:


I was sent here by my Higher Supreme Beings to share in raising awareness for all the children on this planet. When I accepted the job I had no idea what I was agreeing too!


But then I was at a disadvantage. I was out of body and just wanted to return to my physical body back on the planet where I was having a child named Ginger Theresa Fay Parrish as her given Christian name.

I was born in the church as was she. Meaning we were born in the middle of the American Culture before the Internet and we really had to think about International Relations.

I wasn’t even supposed to know what a computer was yet much less how to fly them in space craft not of earth origin.

What I am learning is that people on earth are very young spiritually and have not been doing their own spiritual work and this is causing the world to fall behind in the rotations around the sun and this causes more solar flares in the ebb and flow of time in space inside the galaxy we are using at the moment.


Since I have taken the job in this lifetime on the exact day of January 27, 1974, I have learned to be patient.

I shall now address those on the planet that I came back for in order to explain my presence here.

I am here to do a job and that is to introduce the world to the Ascension Center and the Ascension Age.

“I only wish that more people could experience what you have to offer. You gave me a feeling a freedom that I NEVER felt before. Thank you for touching my soul, for helping me soar!”


Upcoming Workshops


  • On-Site Training
  • Personal Mentoring
  • Subscribe to Newsletter
  • Share on facebook Share on Twitter Share on linkedin Share on email More Sharing Services


  • The Creativity Workshop is inspiration for the creative heart, mind and soul.


It gives you tools that will creatively guide you wherever your path may take you.


  • Who We Are


  • How We Think


  • Our Clients


  • Creativity Articles


  • Subscribe to Our Free Newsletter


Take a Workshop




TJ Morris ACO shares access to our ET Radio Associate guides as personal consultants.


We are genuine in our  personal or professional development seminars and events.

We share our friends who  give  tools to expand  building  a solid foundation as a frame of mind for truth we co-create in our future.

We are about the future of ET Radio and future ET TV.


TJ MORRIS ACO  Associate Guides hope to make the search for  our seminars and workshops  an enjoyable experience with TJ and Friends.

We are about you and learning about  all the information you need to make an informed decision on the best seminar for you and your life goals.


Our Mission


To share health and prosperity for all in our Alien ET UFO Community with friends  and Seminar Presenters together in a fun, comfortable and educational environment.


We are here to serve  others in the interest of seminar goers  providing  a comprehensive  history, study of our researchers directory of personal and professional development seminars and events.


Who We Service:


ACO Social Service Club Seminar Inner Circles bring information on  value added seminars.

TJ wants to make sure that her friends are truly friends of their truth and we do not judge others for their chosen path as Lightworkers and Truthseekers.


We work with authors, speakers, social entrepreneurs who come together  to make sure all seminars offer great value to the attendees.


We understand that most free seminars are government or company sponsored and that they may offer additional paid for courses during their seminars.


This is an information based  ET Talk Radio only and  we do our best to keep all information accurate and Up-to-Date with Alien ET UFO Community.


We share growth and maintenance  fro COPS or Community Online Practicing Skills.

We are Mediators, and Seminar Speaker Presenters of the Ancient History Truth and the Modern Day Findings of Fact.


We  can share as Archivists and Researchers.


We present our research in documentation presentation, and in our videos.


TJ is on the spiritual path for enlightenment, truth, and wisdom.


Please join our,, and our We are Rewriting History. TJ Morris ACO.




Hawaii – Kentucky USA with Main Presenters and TJ Morris ET Radio Host

New York









New Delhi






On-Site Training

At our Seminars




Personal Mentoring

Information for:





Creative Artists

Performing Arts

Career Change




Other Professions


Special Offers

Daily Schedule




Social Service Club Community Online Practicing Skills


To advocate awareness through education in sustainability of planet and species advocating exploration of planet and space while promoting human rights as consumers in growth and maintenance of a global community. We share our social networking online in cyberspace advocating communication education and in social media publications. We promote virtues in morals, ethics, and sovereignty. We advocate for trade and commerce as global tectonic economics as health and prosperity for all with UNESCO. We share art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife traditions. We are advocates of body-mind-spirit environmentally conscious consumer products and services of the ascension age. We are advocates of both arts and sciences as we believe in sustainability of both planet and species.

Personal Consultants Community Online Practicing Skills as PC COPS

Intelligence Services Online in Public Security as in Personnel and Information Security Online.

We work in trust and verifying members who are in alliance with our spiritual intellectual integrity.

We specialize in Personnel Information Security and Consumer Reporting Educational Awareness.

We have specialized fields in investigations as Investigative Reports in Journalism, Websites, Ebooks with ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Publications and Documentaries in audio, video productions online. Interests specialization in metaphysics, paranormal investigations, and spiritual communication, and Intellectual Property Assessment and Social Behavior specialties. We work together in the spiritual sciences. We are a holding corporation of various similar interests groups in opportunities online while taking advantage of co-creations as producers, speakers, coordinators, in arts, entertainment, and education as investments in educational opportunities for the future. We are Futurists. We share our work as co-creations in sustainability of our global community. We are on a spiritual journey of exploration while being the authors of our own life stories separately and together as a social network.


Seminars and Workshops of  Authors/Speakers/Entrepreneurs

Spiritual Education for Adults Continuing Education in ACE FOLKLIFE IN USA.

ACO Seminars and Workshops for Lightworkers and Truth Seekers.

Sometimes we share our topics, and training. We like to go to Indiana to the Light Centre or Pegasus Spiritual Seminars. Some prefer to call Spiritual Mediumship the world of the Light Center as a non-denominational “church.” Our church services are at 1:30pm unless one of our associates such as Pegasus is having a Fair or Retreat, then the Light Centre will be closed. “Church,” is a discussion, a round table discussion and some prefer to sit outdoors while others enjoy sitting around a table.

See ACO dba Ascension Center Organization Convention

Constitution and Bylaws.

ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society and ASSOCIATE GUIDES Speakers Club


We share various times to have speakers give Free Lectures while we have a room for our readers and our Authors, and a Room we make Videos.

We share ACE FOLKLIFE with students mostly of University of Alabama or Owensboro Technical College.

Some of us prefer to meet in a room in the County Libraries with others who study Alien Contact Investigations Research of Super Natural Phenomenon, the Paranormal, and UFOS or have had ET Experiences. We share our lives with each other in our peer groups of similar interests.


We decide who will be the main speaker for our

Train the Trainers in Speaking Skills.


We are like the Local Toastmasters Club in this Tri-State Area and are in alliance with some of our members in Toastmasters and Mufon..


We also share with various Veteran Organizations with different folks leading the conversation for the day on their chosen topic. Smoking is usually allowed at the Light Centre, except on rare occasions, and “No Smoking” will be posted previous to these rare occasions.


ACIR Since 1978 and American News Center in Kentucky officially since 2002.


We shared ACE Folklife as adult’s continuing education and we set up a charter and corporate bank account with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws in 2007 and we still hold our charter but not our bank account. We have turned the management over to TJ Morris ACO for the Operating Account.


Theresa J Morris is the Agent for our Ascension Center Lightworkers, Truth Seekers, and Toastmasters Teachers and Speakers Monthly Meetings.


The Ascension Center Light Workers were founded in 1989-1993 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Retreat Center had ten rooms for a safe house for men in Honolulu,, Hawaii with Gerald W. Orr.


Theresa (Tara) Thurmond attended PSI Seminars at University of Hawaii and at the Hilton Hawaiian Village along with Spiritual World Network and TJ began World Information Network as WIN and Psychic Network Inc.,


In 1979 a Tantra Temple Spiritual Retreat Center in Maui, Hawaii with Dr. Alexander Sasha Lessin and Charles Muir and later with Janet Kira Lessin in 1993. Janet Kira Thompson then and Theresa J Thurmond were both attending Richard Higashida’s Spiritual Church. It wasn’t until 2012 when Janet Lessin and Janette (TJ) Morris found each other again and began the Stargate to the Cosmos Cyberspace Conferences and hope to meet at the future Annual Gatherings of the ACO Ascension Center Organization.


TJ Morris Productions worked with Louise of Pegasus Inc. Productions in 2003-2005 but have had a lasting spiritual higher level relationship.  There has been an existence for all ladies concerned with providing the place for both women and men to come together for over  20 years now, and continues to offer metaphysical classes, group discussions, and the certification classes for metaphysical ministers.


We believe much like spiritualists, but much differently at the same time. Most importantly, we agree to disagree about different thoughts and beliefs. Join us, and see how versatile and broad our thoughts are! Contrary to some belief, we DO believe in God/a creator who is wise, all knowing, and touches each and every one of us, every day.

Classes at both the Ascension Center in Hawaii and the Light Centre in Indiana are both uplifting and educational, all at a reasonable cost!

Most classes run $10. They are held on most Saturdays and some of them on Sundays following our Group Discussion (Church) which is held each Sunday, unless TJ Morris and/ ACO dba Ascension Center Education is at a convention, expo, or fair.

All of our teachers are very educated on their topics and have YEARS of experience under their belts in the Metaphysical studies.

Our classes may include:

Reiki, Tantra, ET Experiences,  Mediumship, Handwriting Analysis, Meeting Your Guides, How To Communicate With Your Guides, Healing With Color, Auras, Where Do We Come From REALLY?, Herbs, Tarot, Candles, Medicine Wheel, Dream Catchers, UFO’s, Symbols, Palmistry, and much more!



We would like to welcome you to join our discussions on Sundays, OR attend any one of our many classes offered at the Ascension Center Education Center!


Blessings and Love and Light. We share TJ Morris ET Radio with our Friends on


TJ Morris & Friends


ACO Agreement

By Members and For the Members who desire to join us as a contractor or vendor.


TJ Morris ACO  Ascension Center Organization



Project Management by and between TJ Morris and ACO

TJ Morris Publishing  defines the parties to the agreement and for:

The purpose of the project called ACO – Ascension Center Organization, Associate Guides and Associate Conference Organization for Alchemy Conferences Organizers.

For Business2Business only to be renewed annually if both parties agree.

This is by and between TJ Morris and ACO Ascension Center Organization – ACO is an Association of Associate Guides for doing business as Alchemy Conferences promotions of authors, artists, composers, and for promoting books, ebooks, websites, marketing and management online. Theresa J Morris, Agent for ACO dba Ascension Center Organization and ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society of Researchers in Art, Culture, Education as a Not for Profit 501C3 Association that is not incorporated.

Previous gentleman’s agreements no longer apply as of this dated agreement between these parties.


I. Parties


This Agreement is made this ______ day of ____________________,


(Year), between and among (name of first party) (Sponsor), and


(Name of second party) (Composer).


II. Project Administration


A. During and at the completion of the Residency Period, Sponsor


Agrees to:


1. Provide its professional services as administrator of


This program,


2. Facilitate and coordinate the exchange of information


Among all participants in this program,


3. Meet periodically in person online via SKYPE, LIVE STREAM, FACEBOOK,


And/or social media applications or by other means such as by landline telephone or cell phone with


Composer to plan, evaluate, and consider improvements to


The program,


4. Plan and carry out publicity for this program,


5. Cultivate regular and consistent contact with local and


Regional constituencies,


6. Maintain a documentary record (e.g., photos, recordings,


Videos, programs, posters, news releases) of the




7. Oversee and carry out the premiere performance of the




B.  During and at the completion of the Residency Period,


Composer agrees to:


1. Cooperate with Sponsor to actively promote and advertise


This program.


2. as of the effective date of this agreement, grant to Sponsor the right to


use Composer’s name, likeness, audio


and audiovisual appearances, and biography in


Connection with any promotion, advertising, and


documentation related to this program, and in any audio


or audiovisual program on Composer’s Residency Period


and/or this program, made by or under the authority of


the Sponsor, in which the composer may appear,


3. furnish Sponsor with a photograph suitable for scanning,


and a complete biography within 30 days of Composer’s


signing of this Agreement,


4. provide Sponsor with timely reports (every three months


Quarterly?) on the status of the Composition and


residency activities (see section V. below), beginning


(date), and continuing for the duration of the Residency




5. submit a final written report and evaluation to Sponsor


upon completion of the Residency Period.


III. Financial Obligations


A. Sponsor makes the following Grant to Composer:


1. The sum total of (dollar amount), together with any


travel reimbursement under III. A.3. below, represents the


entire payment obligation of Sponsor for the commission


and residency. Sponsor will pay Composer the total sum in


installments of:


1/3rd upon execution of this Agreement


1/3rd upon delivery of the completed score of the


Composition (per IV.B. below) to the Sponsor in a


form satisfactory to Sponsor


1/3rd after the premiere of the Composition and upon


receipt of Composer’s final report and evaluation, as


set forth in II. B. 5. above.


2. Sponsor will reimburse Composer up to (dollar amount)


for preparation of full score and parts.


3. Sponsor will reimburse Composer for travel to the host


community, up to a total of (dollar amount) upon receipt


of documented expenses.


B. By signing this Agreement, Composer agrees:


1. to be responsible for all taxes pertaining to these




2. that s/he is receiving benefits from Sponsor by this


Grant, that s/he is bound by the terms of this


Agreement, and that all rights under Section II.B.2.


above are hereby granted.


C. If for any reason the Composer does not fulfill all the terms


of this Agreement (see VIII. E and F.  below), the Composer’s


sole liability to Sponsor shall be the refund of the


paid, and upon such refund, neither party shall be under any


further obligation to the other party.


IV. Composition


A. In cooperation with the musical/artistic director of Sponsor,


Composer agrees to compose a musical work (Composition) as


specified in Attachment A.  Composition shall be


approximately ___ to ___ minutes in duration. Composer agrees


that the Composition will be written for the


instrumentation/scoring as set forth in Attachment A.


B. Composer will deliver one clearly legible, performance-ready


copy of the completed score of the Composition, and one


clearly legible, performance-ready copy of each instrumental


part, if applicable, extracted from this score to Sponsor on


or before (date–at least 90 days prior to premiere).  (See


Attachment A for specifications regarding score and parts.)


The preceding copy of the score and parts of the Composition


shall remain the possession of the Sponsor for its sole and


exclusive use, and shall not be given, loaned, sold, or


rented to any other party without the express written consent


of the Composer.  Composer shall keep and retain ownership of


the original manuscript copy of the score.


C. At its own expense, Sponsor will make photocopies or other


reproductions of score and parts as reasonably needed for


performance use.  Composer hereby grants permission for such


photocopying or other reproductions via Attachment B, which


shall be signed by Composer upon execution of this Agreement.


D. Sponsor and Composer agree that the credit on the title page


of all published and unpublished versions of the full score,


in all publicity materials and programs, liner notes to


recordings, radio, television and Internet broadcasts,


presentations of the Composition in premiere performance and


all subsequent performances, shall indicate that said


Composition has been commissioned by Sponsor.


This credit shall read:


“Commissioned by (sponsor) and premiered by (information


about premiere: performers, conductors, location, occasion)


with support from (funders and other supporters of




E. Composer agrees to assist in preparing the above described


Composition for performance, to be on hand for consultation


during rehearsals, and to give presentations about the


Composition as part of the residency (see V. A. below).


F. Composer represents and warrants that, except for any text


owned by third parties and used by Composer after obtaining


permission from such owner, the Composition is Composer’s


original work which does not infringe upon any existing


copyright or any rights of any third party, and that Composer’s


execution of this Agreement and the rights conveyed herein


shall not interfere with, contradict, or contravene any


agreement that Composer has entered into with any third party.


G. Should the completed Composition include text, the text is to


be mutually agreed upon by the Composer and Sponsor.  If the


text is under copyright by any third party, it is the


responsibility of the Composer to secure any permissions


necessary for its use, and to pay for the cost of obtaining


such permission.  Such permissions shall be of sufficient


scope to cover all grants of rights in the Composition made by


Composer in this Agreement.


H. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in


this Agreement, all parties agree that the copyright of the


Composition together with all rights not specifically granted


to the Sponsor herein are and remain the property of the


Composer, and further that the Composition is subject to a


performing rights license with American Society of Composers,


Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), or


other performing rights organization.  All parties pledge to


take appropriate steps to protect of the Composer’s copyright


in connection with their uses of the Composition.


V. Residency


A. Composer and Sponsor  agree to carry out a residency plan in


the host community of up to (duration in weeks, months), not


necessarily continuous.  The residency will be designed in


such a way as to ensure that the Composer will become a


recognizable member of the host community.  The Residency


Period begins upon the signing of this Agreement and concludes


upon the premiere of the Composition.  A copy of the residency


plan is Attachment C.


B. All costs for the residency, including meals, accommodations,


and local transportation, shall be borne by the Sponsor.


Composer travel to and from the host community will be


subsidized by Sponsor, pursuant to III. A. 3. above.


VI. Performances


A. The premiere of the Composition will take place on (date), at


(location).    Composer agrees to be in attendance.


Additional performance dates of the Composition as part of


this program are as follows:


B. Sponsor agrees to make an audio and//or video recording of the


Composition, and to provide Composer a copy of and right to


use said recording.  Said recording shall be made with the


highest quality technical means locally available to the


Sponsor. Sponsor shall make reasonable efforts to obtain all


necessary rights and permissions from contributors to such


recordings to permit all uses agreed to by Sponsor and


Composer.  Sponsor shall inform Composer of any permissions it


does not obtain.


C. All costs associated with these performances shall be borne


by Sponsor.  Such costs may include but are not limited to:


copying scores and parts, local publicity, venue rental,


performers’ fees, programs, performance license fees,


administrative overhead, and recording. Sponsor may recover


these costs through revenues that include but are not limited


to: ticket sales, advertising, sale of goods and services, and




VII. Performance, Recording, and Broadcast Rights


A. Composer grants to Sponsor the exclusive right to perform the


Composition publicly without limitation or liability for


additional payments of any kind for a period ending (duration)


from the date of the premiere performance.  Composer further


grants to Sponsor a continuing, non-exclusive right to perform


the Composition publicly without limitation or liability for


additional payments of any kind for an additional (duration)


after the first anniversary of the premiere.  This paragraph


does not confer any performance, broadcast, publishing,


recording, or other rights in the Composition not specifically


named, nor shall it be construed in contradiction with any


previous agreements Composer may hold with a performing rights


society or publisher.  Composer’s performing rights society


retains the right to license performances, as applicable.


Composer and/or publisher retain rights to licensing income


derived from performing rights societies and to rental fees


for use of performance materials.


B. Sponsor will make requisite payments to Composer’s performing


rights society (ASCAP or BMI or other) to license its


performances of the Composition, including the premiere.


C. In the event Sponsor elects to record the Composition for


release on a commercial recording, a separate agreement


between Sponsor and Composer is required.  For such a


recording, mechanical rights will be payable to the Composer


at the standard compulsory license rate in effect at the time


the recording is issued.


D. Provided that the Composer’s right to receive the appropriate


broadcast royalties as set forth by ASCAP/BMI/other is


protected, Sponsor shall have the right to permit radio,


television, and Internet broadcasts of performances, as


specified in VI.A. above, of the Composition.


VIII. Limitations, Enforcement, and Jurisdiction


A. This Agreement, including all attachments, constitutes the


entire agreement among  the above named parties. No


waiver, change, or modification in this Agreement is valid or


binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all parties.


B. Each party warrants that it has the right to enter into this


Agreement and to grant all the rights it has granted through




C. The Composer is not an employee of Sponsor and the


Composition is not a “work for hire.”


D. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other


party from all claims, damages, costs, liabilities, losses and


expenses, including counsel fees, that it may suffer as a


result of such party’s breach of warranty.


E. No party will be liable for failure to perform as required by


this Agreement in the event that such failure is caused by or


due to illness or physical disability, acts or regulations of


public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, strike,


epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or


any other cause beyond the party’s control.


F. If either Composer or Sponsor is unable to fulfill the terms


of this Agreement, and if, after reasonable effort, a


resolution between the parties cannot be reached, then either


party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.  In


such a case, each party will hold the other harmless for the


termination of the Agreement, and neither party will be liable


to the other for any unfulfilled obligations as described




G. If this Agreement is terminated, Sponsor will reimburse


Composer for travel expenses incurred prior to the


termination, as per III. A. 3. above and Composer will refund


fees paid, as per III. C. above.


H. This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed under


the laws of the State of  Kentucky.  Any disputes


relative to this Agreement shall be settled according to the


laws of the State of  Kentucky.


IX.  Signatures:


(Sponsoring Organization is ACO Ascension Center Organization)  by Federal Tax ID #: 45-5208156


_______________________________ Date:_____________________


(Agent name is Theresa J Morris), (Owner)


____________________________ Date:_____________________


(ACO), Composer


Composer’s Social Security Number:




Composer’s mailing address: Composer’s telephone number:


_________________________          _____________________________


Composer’s cell phone: _________________________


Composer’s e-mail address:________________________________






The Composition will be written for electronic transmission called a score, book, ebook, talking books as a recorded audio book for audio and visual copies using a third party printer. This composition is by and between two businesses. (1.) Saeed Farman – Composer and (2.) Theresa Morris – Sponsor for a trial model sample to design as a project for use as a (3) Business2Business as a joint venture project namely Alchemy Conferences which shares marketing campaigns for their third party clients. This is for the purposes of marketing, management, manufacturing books, ebooks, audio, visual creations in social media as presentations to include other audio, visual I.T. transmissions and promotions online.

TJ Morris has an association company called ACO also known as Ascension Center Organization that promotes products and services which include instrumentation/scoring:

Provide a Document as a docx in Microsoft word as a Manuscript as a


First Edition Books by ACO Social Service Club of Associate Guides who desire to  share in  TJ Morris Publishing  marketing  media management of manufacturing of  books and ebooks.


B. All manuscripts, scores and parts must be clearly legible.  Computer printed manuscripts, scores are preferred. Any addition to this agreement must be included as an attachment.


C. Submitted manuscripts, full scores and instrumental parts must be provided


“camera ready:” suitable for reproduction in portrait format,


3/4” margin on all sides.  To assure the receipt of useable


performance materials, a sample of the book, ebook, business plan, proposal score and parts must be


reviewed and approved by the Site’s musical/artistic


director(s) prior to final submission of the Composition.


D. All scores and parts must be performance ready, and must


include tempo markings and  dynamic markings.


E. Vocal music scores must have text that is correctly aligned


with associated pitches.  If the composition is for a


cappella choir, a piano reduction of the vocal parts must be


included in the full score. A separate text page, with


translation if applicable, must be included.


F. The credit as listed in Section IV. D. above must appear on


the title page.


G. Copyright notification must appear on the bottom of the first


page of the score.


H. Copyright notification in book and ebook must be on the second page of the manuscript.


Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____






I hereby grant permission to (Sponsor) to make photocopies or


other reproductions of the score of my original musical work.


(Sponsor) is permitted to make as many said copies as are deemed


necessary for its use in rehearsal and performance, but not for


sale or publication.  This permission is granted by me as sole


owner of the copyright of this musical work.


__________________________________________ _____________________


(name) (Composer)   (Date)






Composer and Sponsor agree on the following plan for residency


activities, to be held at dates, times, and locations to be


mutually agreed upon by Composer and Sponsor.


Composer will participate in (number) periods of residency in


and near the Sponsor’s community.  These events will commence on


or after (date), and will conclude with the premiere of the


Composition, (date).


Residency events may include but are not limited to the


following: workshops, lectures, presentations, question and


answer sessions, seminars, and rehearsals, and conferences.


Composer will be present for at least one (1) but not more than


Three (3) rehearsals preceding the premiere performance of the


Composition, including the dress rehearsal.  Composer will be


available as needed to consult with the artistic director,


either in person or via telephone. This agreement supersedes any


previously dated agreement between these parties.












Alien Contact, Alien Technology, Alientology Amen Unity Amnesty-Human Rights Ancient Cultures SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS,


Religions and Paths to Salvation Angels Antikethera Annunaki Atlantis Lemuria Nephilim Sumeria Mesopotamia Apocalypse Armageddon ASTROLOGY Charts ASTRONOMY Pole Shifts Near Earth Objects Planet Nibiru ANTHROPOLOGY FOLKLORE Folklife Forensics ARCHAEOLOGY Ascension DNA Code Activation Ascension Consciousness Awakening Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism AUTHORS/Web Publishers AVATARS Reincarnation Light workers Star Babies Star People Walk-Ins BASES: Area 51 DAARPA Dulce Base HAARP All New Mexico Bases Roswell Mars Pine Gap Military Moon NASA Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center Cape Canaveral AIM SETI Arecibo SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR TOOLS COMPUTER SAVVY Internet Use Applications Building a Website Starting a Business Social Networks CRYPTOZOOLOGY BIG FOOT, YETI, ABOBMINABLE SNOWMAN LOC NESS MONSTER VAMPIRES Ancient & Present DIVINATION Ghost Hunters Premonitions Psychic Mediums Seers Nostradamus Spirit Guides Telepathy ET Disclosure Project Exopolitics Disclosure Government Cover Ups Conspiracy Theories EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION (ESP) Channeling Dowsing Levitation of Spirit Mental Telepathy Migrations of Birds PSI FUNCTIONS Psi miracles PSI People Synergistically Involved Global Brain Train Consciousness Critical Mass Mind Alternate Realities Spirits of electricity God Particle Poltergeist Time Displacement Time Travel & Distance in Space Cosmos Sages Organized divination




Extraterrestrial Education Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings Extra biological Beings (EBENS) FUTURE DISCOVERIES Science Technology Futurists Theories Theoretical Physics GUIDES & SAGES Ascension Age Masters Avatar Ascension Masters Mystics-Oracles-Psychics-Seers – Body-Mind-Spirit Lomi-Lomi New Age Culture Meditations Shaman Healers Hypnotism Yoga Joytish Reiki Hollow Earth Society Mayan Calendar UFOlogy UFOS & USOs METAPHYSICS Hollow Earth GLOBAL COMMUNITY CULTURES New World Order Walk-Ins Ghosts Energy Apparitions Ascension Channels Shroud of Turin SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS 1. ASPECTS & PROBLEMS Origin of Religions 2. EXTINCT RELIGIONS INSIDE EUROPE & OUTSIDE OF EUROPE Thinking of primitive people 3. EGYPTIAN RELIGION History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments Ideas of Death & Last Judgment 4. RELIGIONS OF BIBLICAL REVELATION CHRISTIANITY Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present JUDAISM Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism ISLAM History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism, DEITY WORSHIP Basic Modes between humankind & Deities Offering-Prayers-Rituals Animistic Preanimistic Theory. Theory of Original Monotheism Magic & Religion Celts & Slavs Greeks Romans Tibet China Japan Japanese Buddhism Shintoism Shamanism Totemism Extinct Religions Teutonic Gods Ideas of Death Magic of Runes Biblical Revelations Buddhism All isms Hindi Christian Various Jew Messianic Muslim THEOLOGY SPIRITUALITY & PHILOSOPHY Seers Folk Life History – Faes Nostradamus Star gates Time Travel UFOs Zechariah Sitchin UFO ORGANIZATIONS MUFON CETI CUFOS SETI UFORNA EVENT LINKS MAGAZINE LINKS TELEVISION LINKS WEBSITE & BLOG LINKS ACE FOLKLIFE Art, Culture, Education UN – UNESCO GLOBAL TECTONIC ECONOMICS Ancient Aliens XFiles The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE OF ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. Do Not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of word history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit USA, California, Hawaii, Kentucky specifically, and learn of Ancient Alien Theory, Ascension Age, Lemuria,  Atlantis, Egypt, MU, and other ACE FOLKLIFE as Art, Culture, Education and Promote the ACE FOLKLIFE LOGO-BRAND, ACO LOGO BRAND,  ACIR BRAND and TJ Morris BRAND some designed to include all and Business2Business Brands as Associate Guides.



Sexism and Racism

In other FORUMS we have been advised to clear this matter up we USE no N or SKIN WORDS!

NO GLBT TYPE of Inferred slang. NO Queer or Gay words that means about everyone.

Recent discussions regarding the topic of racist words have brought forth ambiguities regarding the usage of terms such as “nigga” and “nigger”.

As clarification:

-The term “nigga” is generally permitted as slang akin to “dude”.


-NO you must be gay or lesbian or don’t ask don’t tell slurs.

-Other terminology that may be considered racist will be evaluated on the context of the conversation.

-Otherwise ambiguous usage of racist terminology will be judged based on complaints: if a person finds a particular usage of a racist term to be offensive, and there is insufficient context with which to judge it as slang or casual usage, it will be dealt with accordingly.

-Blatantly racist remarks are not permitted, which includes the usage of racist terms in the midst of what is widely considered an insult or a flame. This may also include instances where racist terminology is used as merely a word within an insult, depending on moderator or administrator discretion.

Pictures and Images

-All Pictures and Images are requested to be at least PG rated.

-Any Pictures or images above general PG ratings will be subject to moderator or administrator discretion as to whether the images are pornographic or borderline pornographic.

-As general rules: avoid pictures or images displaying promiscuous, suggestive, or questionable behavior, as well as images depicting females or males in anything less than generally appropriate swimwear. Violations are up to administrative or moderators discretion.

-Pornographic images, including nude photographs or hentai, are not permitted under site regulations.

Moderator Behavior

Moderators, as site staff, are expected to behave reasonably and carry at least some semblance of respect for their position and other members.

Moderators should never edit member posts unless they break a rule.

When editing, moderators should:

-Appropriately censor offending words

-Add color to whatever segments they edit (traditionally in red)

-Write a brief reason for the message edit in a separate line at the bottom

When editing, moderators should NOT:

-Edit the entire post (unless the ENTIRE post is nothing but offences)

-Edit the post into something offensive or user-derogatory

-Edit rule-abiding posts (unless requested by the poster)

In General

Be good.

If you are not sure, ask an admin.

Composer’s initials _____ Sponsor, by_____ Copyright TJ Morris tm ACIR sm TJ Morris Publishing

Theresa J Thurmond Morris Copyright Owner as owner of TJ Morris Publishing a division of

TJ Morris ACO Ascension Center Organization

D&B# 124124038/ EIN#45-5208156

Copyright 2012 TJ Morris ACO., TJTM provides information and software only. This site is not a “lawyer referral service” and does not provide or participate in any legal representation.

Use of, and is a Personal Consultant Business2Business.

On Call, if anyone uses our websites they are subject to our Terms and Conditions.

The On Call Terms of Service for personal use under Open Source agreements or Business2Business agreements.

Permission is conditionally granted to redistribute and reproduce articles published in

TJ Morris Publishing and  on your  web site, for non-commercial purposes only

, and provided the copy remain intact and unaltered. For commercial reproduction, contact the editor.

If you wish to reproduce any of our articles on your web site, please make use of the following notices to be placed at the end of the article:

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Copyright TJ Morris tm ACIR sm TJ Morris Publishing


Theresa J Thurmond Morris Copyright Owner


TJ Morris ACO


TJ Morris Publishing


260 Carolyn Lane, Beaver Dam, KY USA 42320-9766




This e-mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §2510-2521 and is legally privileged.


This information is confidential information and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.


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Welcome to our new Web site of ACO Ascension Center Organization of various special interest groups including


ACE FOLKLIFE and ALCHEMY CONFERENCES. Our TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club are vetted Associate Guides.


The information we have gathered and presented through our site has been of extreme interest to our visitors here at


There are no accidents, so people seeking spiritual enlightenment are often guided to this site with their intention to seek benefit from our ideas, information and offerings.




We’d like to provide some insight into our purpose and meaning to the online community.


All of us are seekers in some fashion. We share our TJ Morris ACO Ascension Center Organization insights behind how this site came to be.


Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris doing business as TJ Morris and ACIR, ACO, and ACE FOLKLIFE is included in


TJ Morris Publishing as a HOST, Agent, Sponsor. For more information contact Theresa Morris direct at




This section highlights many invoking thoughts and inspirational messages brought to us from the masters –


or those teachers placed here on earth to inspire Life Learning and more:


Spiritual Thoughts


We provide an open exchange of information, teachings and comments from our visitors.


We like to think of it as an expression of ourselves and other people’s interests and guidance.


More includes Associate Guides in art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife.


TJ Morris is a Business Administrator with emphasis in accounting who is now also a student of AIU a university online.


Theresa J Morris is the Agent for the ACO Ascension Center Organization Association not for profit . TJ Morris is webmaster for all websites for ACO.

Share this: See,





ACO dba Ascension Center Organization


To advocate awareness through education in sustainability of planet and species advocating exploration of planet and space while promoting human rights as consumers in growth and maintenance of a global community. We share our social networking online in cyberspace advocating communication education and in social media publications. We promote virtues in morals, ethics, and sovereignty. We advocate for trade and commerce as global tectonic economics as health and prosperity for all with UNESCO. We share art, culture, education, science, technology, history, and folklife traditions. We are advocates of body-mind-spirit environmentally conscious consumer products and services of the ascension age. We are advocates of both arts and sciences as we believe in sustainability of both planet and species.

Personal Consultants Community Online Practicing Skills as PC COPS

Intelligence Services Online in Public Security as in Personnel and Information Security Online.

We work in trust and verifying members who are in alliance with our spiritual intellectual integrity.

We specialize in Personnel Information Security and Consumer Reporting Educational Awareness.

We have specialized fields in investigations as Investigative Reports in Journalism, Websites, Ebooks with ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Publications and Documentaries in audio, video productions online. Interests specialization in metaphysics, paranormal investigations, and spiritual communication, and Intellectual Property Assessment and Social Behavior specialties. We work together in the spiritual sciences. We are a holding corporation of various similar interests groups in opportunities online while taking advantage of co-creations as producers, speakers, coordinators, in arts, entertainment, and education as investments in educational opportunities for the future. We are Futurists. We share our work as co-creations in sustainability of our global community. We are on a spiritual journey of exploration while being the authors of our own life stories separately and together as a social network.





1 The Body shall be call the ACO .


1 This Body ACO dba Ascension Center Organization shall meet annually at convention, according to adjournment, but in case of emergency the President may call a special session with the advice and consent of the Mission Board, or two-thirds of the members of the Board present and voting may call a special session.

2 This Body ACO dba Ascension Center shall include in the meeting annually the state Mission Board also known as ACE FOLKLIFE dba ACE. ACE as the acronym for adult’s continuing education and art, culture, education. ACO Messengers shall be called Personal consultants to the Board of the Body.

3 This Body will allow members to join based on annual dues and tithing donations as love offerings to assist in the arts and sciences of humanity education in sustainability of planet and species.

4 This Body shall be allowed to participate in trade and commerce and all enterprises allowed by law.

5 This Body shall be known as a not for profit educational organization and charity fundraising allowed while interested in consumer affairs while advocating civil and human rights for all consumers who have the right to know of the best economical offerings in consumer products with educational awareness of what they are consuming. We will vote with our purchase power and become educated while sharing awareness of choices to vote when we purchase. We recognize purchase power as a platform group as a social network while caring and awake and aware of our sharing power and goodness as in caring for one another. We share our knowing and beliefs as in trust in each other as humans.


1 The membership of this BODY shall consist of messengers from cooperating affiliated offices, churches, associations, groups, as members of this organization as follows:

ACO Spiritual Retreats for authors, co-creators, educators and members.

(1)      Two messengers from each retreat, light center, education center, psychic awakening center, medical center, or church having one hundred members or less, which is in friendly cooperation paying annual dues with this organization as a convention in principal; is sympathetic with its purposes and work; and has during the fiscal year preceding been a bona fide contributor to the Convention’s work.

(2)      One additional messenger for each church, association, group, organization, education institution, shall be allowed for each additional two hundred fifty members, or for each $250.00 contributed to the Cooperative Program during the fiscal year preceding the annual meeting but no group, retreat, light center, education center, psychic awakening center, medical center, or church may be allowed more than ten (10) messengers.

(3)      Messenger’s cars will be sent, upon request, to individual post office boxes for their members which are registered post office agent to accept the membership cards in the U.S. Postal System in their zip code office of the region in the USA or in case of global organization by registered agent for the nation state or country and regional and local office. State Convention Office must be registered to hold conferences in their home state and be a member of the ACO Convention Directory.

(4)      Ballots will be issued to each messenger at the time one registers.


1 On the occasion of its annual meeting the Body shall elect by ballot, a president, a first and second vice president, a secretary, and one assistant secretary. Their duties shall be such as custom imposes upon such officers. They shall hold office until their successors are duly installed at the closing session of the annual meeting of the Body. No president shall be eligible to succeed himself in office. The President and the vice President and Secretaries of the ACO Convention shall be the officers of the ACE FOLKLIFE Mission Board of the ACO Convention.

2 Persons to be nominated as officers of the ACO Convention must be consulted and permission secured before their names are placed in nomination.


1 This Body has no jurisdiction over the local offices, churches, or the District Associations, and shall exercise no authority over them.

2 All single members will be assigned a personal consultant as an agent of our organization depending on their local office, church, in state by location and region of the United States of America.

3 All Agents are simply reporting agents for accounting purposes. Personal consultants are independent contractors for hire as life coaches and are listed by office, church, in local city, state, and region in our ACO Directory.


1 The Body shall be a medium through which the agents, offices, churches, in their sovereign capacity can work together in promoting all nondenominational enterprises which they deem necessary in carrying out the Great Commission of the Christ Consciousness Awakened Awareness of the Higher Self…


1 The ACE FOLKLIFE Historical Society Mission Board of this body shall consist of members from each cooperating arm as categorized by their elected business title as office or church in the District Association plus eight at-large members from the geographical region of the state in which they live and reside. Members must live and reside in a direct district to work in their district as member, and personal consultant, agent. The Mission Board membership from the associations shall consist of one member from each cooperating  District Association with a total office, church membership of five thousand or less, and one more member for each additional five thousand office or church members, or major fraction thereof, as reported in the Convention Annual Directory of the preceding year. Each District Association of our Personal Consultants Active with a total office church membership of five thousand or less shall nominate two persons for each membership on the Board of whom one shall be elected. Should any District Association fail to exercise this prerogative, then the Committee on Nominations of the Convention shall make the nomination.

2 The eight at-large members shall be elected from any cooperating affiliated Office Church. These members shall be elected by nominated by the Committee on Nominations of the Convention.

3 All members of the Board shall be elected by the ACO dba Ascension Center Organization for a term of three years, beginning in 2012, except those who are elected to fill the vacancies. Vacancies from death, resignation, or moving from the district association. A move of an at-large member does not constitute a need for a change in regional association. No member shall be eligible for re-election for one year after his term has expired except one who has been elected to fill an unexpired term. Members serving two (2) years and six (6) months shall be considered as serving a full three year term. Any vacancies on the ACO-ACE Mission Board not filled at the annual meeting of the Convention or which occur during the year shall be filled by the Mission Board Founder upon recommendations of the Convention’s Committee or Nominations. Mission Board Founder is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris.

4 The retiring President of the Convention shall be an at-large member of the Mission Board for one year immediately following her/his term of office.

5 The retiring President of the Convention shall be an at-large member of the Mission Board for one year immediately following her/his term of office.

6 Forty members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.


1 The Mission Board shall have charge of the work of this body for organizing events, of this body between its sessions and shall appoint all officers, agencies, committees, that may be required to perform duties in its work.

2 The Mission Board shall not contravene any Convention action.

3 The Mission Board shall neither create, accept, nor release any institution or agency for the ACO Convention, unless so instructed by the ACO Convention. The existence of any emergency in connection with an institution or agency shall be determined by a majority vote of the Mission Board in session, and the Board shall make recommendations to the Convention with reference to emergency.

4 The Organized Mission Board shall make a report to the annual ACO Convention. At least thirty days prior to this meeting the Board shall publish in the Anew News Guide its recommendations except in an emergency that may arise thereafter. Associate Guides Recorder of the ACO Members shall update members annually at least thirty days before the New Year. 2012 Members are now in the directory and updated monthly through release for following year. Cut-off date for inclusion in the project to be updated in a timely fashion is November 30th of each year. Those who join in December will be entered for the January Issue in the Associate Guides Recorder at


1 No person shall be eligible to serve at the same time on more than one Board of Trustees or Directors or Managers of any agency or institution, office, church fostered and supported by the whole of the ACO dba Ascension  Center Organization, except the Mission Board of the Convention, and shall not be eligible for election or appointment until he/she has been a member of the ACO for at least one year as a calendar year prior to nomination or appointment, and shall not be eligible for re-election after serving two full terms until having been out of office at least one full year, except the ACO Schools of Education as in the Ascension Center Education Institute Universities online  may have a maximum of eight (8) trustees per  brick and mortar college or university  outside the state; these trustees to be nominated from candidates who are members in good standing of cooperating fully with the ACE Academy and ACO Institute of Technology in their respective states in the United States or global work in the world information network online at the as listed in the overall course curriculum directory of offices and divisions by the global tectonic economic plates on the planet.


1 The President of the Convention and the Executive Director-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all committees as required to oversee the overall administration and accounting of the entire ACO. Certified Public Accountant Gerald W Watts, CPA of Beaver Dam, Kentucky was chosen by Founding President, CEO. Bank was chosen as US Bank, Old Hartford Road, Owensboro, Kentucky.


1 This Constitution may be altered or amended (except Article V) by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at any annual convention meeting, one year’s notice having been given to the proposed alteration or amendment.


1 The Body will remain perpetually however if for any reason body was to be resolved for any reason the assets would be liquidated and all proceeds will be given to a charity for hunger and poverty in America.

2 Fifty percent of the projects to be discussed as fund raisers will be to assist the hungry, homeless, women rights and government approved homeless shelters. We disburse in assigned regions according to Veterans Organizations Groups around the United States of America.


1 The Session of the Convention shall be opened and closed in prayer.

2 Visitors shall have the privilege of speaking in debate but not of voting.

3 Each member, when he/she speaks in debate or has any communication to make to the convention, shall address the president, and when he/she has finished he/she shall be seated. This Rule #3 of Bylaws must be read at each Convention to the masses in the beginning and shared with those by members to visitors and members who are arrive late in passing in case a visitor is new to the convention. This rule is placed in all publications for each annual convention including in the annual program for public relations purposes.

4 No member shall speak more than twice in any since debate or event on the same day without a two-thirds majority vote of the Convention except the President of the Convention and the Executive Director- Treasurer named in Annual Directory, and the Annual Program Guide with the Officers list.

5 When a member shall be called to order he/she shall be seated until the president has determined whether he/she is in order. An appeal may be made from the decision of the president in this as in any case.

6 When the president shall desire to be heard in debate; or to be temporarily absent, the Chair can be taken by one of the vice presidents, or in case of the absence of both vice presidents, by some member whom the president may select or elect as masters of ceremonies in the President’s stead when involved in another conference meeting.

7 In the election of officers by ballot submitted in writing which is a part of the annual program to be counted after left in ballot boxes at the entrance of the convention hall tables, if only one nomination is made and no other person desires to be nominated, the secretary may cast a the ballot of the Convention which is in writing and announced to the whole convention in the main meeting hall at the beginning and updated at the end of the convention meeting with ballots posted total for the coming year for results all do not have to remain present to win. We prefer the officers to remain until closing with nominees included to learn of results and to know their term of office and training time allotted.

8 The results of all balloted votes shall be made known to all messengers and recorders whether at the proceedings of the Convention. It being understood that these votes refer to the examination and election of all previous written ballots for the election of officers and any other ballot votes as assigned to debate committees for the next annual meeting.

9 All resolutions, memorials, and all motions except motions related to procedures made for the consideration of the annual ACO Convention shall be presented in writing. All resolutions and memorials shall require for passage the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present and voting which are a minimum of quorum of 40 members for the annual convention in 2014 as 2011, 2012, 2013 for the first three (3) years have been filled  voting to be held  for  all to follow annually. 1992-93 Ascension Center Education and 2007 ACE FOLKLIFE Art, Culture, Education.

10 No new item of miscellaneous business may be introduced in the last session of the annual Convention without unanimous consent of the Body. No motions to rescind a previous action of the convention may be made in the last session of the annual Convention except by unanimous consent of the Body unless it involves banking choice for the local agent as a personal consultant of the newest franchise if needed to form a new franchise which is normally handled in the US Bank chosen by the original founder as TJ Morris ACO, in Kentucky USA. First donations cannot be accepted unless recognized with the ACO Convention LOGO which is authorized by and through the President only for branding purposes.

11 The Presiding Officers for Banking Purposes is President and Executive Director-Treasurer. The presiding officers shall be empowered to sign for the entire ACO Convention.  The President of ACO will remain first opening Officer as President/CEO of the original ACO for the duration of her life as the first Life Coach to be recognized in the public and banking system in the United States of America. Upon her death then the Number #2 Account of ACO Hawaii will become the Home Office but until such time Kentucky is the original founding state with the original founder of ACO with the Federal ID of the Internal Revenue Service and the US Treasury which has been assigned in 2012. Second office is recognized as Ascension Center Education – Hawaii, USA. For historical purposes the original date of the first Ascension Center was filed on the record in Hawaii 1992-93 in Honolulu, Secretary of State Office of assumed names where all requirements were met and signed by Theresa J Thurmond-Orr at the time. Official documents as Hawaii Driver’s License and US Passport were used at the time of filing along with brand logo. Cost to use brand logo and name in Hawaii is now set at $250.00 but will increase to $300 for filing in each state hereafter as an Agent Office to be used for convention purposes and business enterprise in trade and commerce if other than the Founder, Theresa J Morris dba ACIR, Agent for ACO dba Ascension Center Organization, and ACE FOLKLIFE a 501C3 Not for profit corporation open source on the internet in cyberspace social networking as art, culture, education. ACO is assigned for trade and commerce of cotton products for branding purposes to be used in association with the ACE FOLKLIFE Brand for business enterprising purposes and more importantly recruiting members to our convention.

12 The Committee on Order of Business shall suggest an order of business for the next meeting of the Annual Convention at the end of the Convention. It shall provide periods of time during the early days of the annual convention for the introduction of all matters requiring a vote not scheduled on the agenda and in the annual itinerary program in the actual printed program of publications to be kept in a volume book by year. One copy of each annual program by year will be labeled and kept in a hard bound binder. When introduced unless the annual convention then gives its unanimous consent by hand raised voting as in all yeas and nays with the majority rules to accept the motion as presented in motion form to be adopted then shall fix time for the considerations of the same.

13 twenty-five percent of the registered messengers at any annual meeting convention shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

14 Any question that is not provided for by the foregoing rules shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order (Latest Edition).

15 The foregoing rules may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.

16 Committees of the ACO with Guidelines will be presented at the Mission Board of December and May meetings and of course other nominations may be filled as needed by the president. Meeting of the committees including special committees will be included as in those of the Civitan International Booklets as one of the organizations that has trained the president, Theresa J Morris, of Ohio County Kentucky, USA.

17 Committees on the annual awards and programs shall formulate the program for the annual meeting with awards to be presented to the winners of various contests held annually including the ACE AWARDS.




TJ Morris, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Radio Host
Syndicated Columnist/Investigative Reporter
ACO Ascension Center Organization Founder 1990-92
ACE Nonprofit Inc Founding Director April 2013
ACE Folklife Founder

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