Ace Folklife

Alien ET Space Time for 2012

English: Artist interpretation of grey alien. ...
Grey Alien (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Artist interpretation of grey alien. Human is shown to give an idea of relative size. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An alien (played by actor John Hoyt) depicted on TV twelve days prior to the making of Hill's 'Grey' hypnosis tape (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Multiverse (Photo credit: kevin dooley)

A grey alien; this depiction of aliens became ...
A grey alien; this depiction of aliens became popularized in Ufology subculture during the 1960s in the wake of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction reports. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Alien (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens
List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris


Alien ET TJ shares Aliens, Time Portals, UFO Connections, and other paranormal etc. are about the future in space. Time is growing shorter for us all on earth and in space.


We are all aliens to this planet and some of us are being awakened to the future that will include more awareness of aliens on this planet and UFOs.


To some who have not seen these extraterrestrials or UFOS they are truth seekers but have an inner knowing that they are not alone in this universe. They have a feeling inside that allows them to feel a connection.


It is hoped that by December 21, 2012 that all humans on earth will be awakened to the fact that alien civilizations exist. This is one of our goals as a young humanoid species.


Being aware of thinking out of the box is the term we use on earth for being open minded to all possibilities.  We are all capable of opening our minds to people, places, and things that normally do not exist in our world.


One way I can share this new ascension age of awakening and awareness is to share some of my knowledge that I have accumulated in chunks of memory code. I am learning as everyone else on this planet about what all of this means to each of us. For whatever reason, some of us are in contact with these aliens or extraterrestrials (ET). The ones that I have come in contact with are extremely intelligent and seemingly knowing and caring in an unfamiliar way. My world is different even to the family to whom I was born.


My family on earth has been those who accept me as I am and those who have had UFO sightings and/or believe in alien extraterrestrials. This is my extended family on earth, my tribe, where I prefer to belong and counted among the believers. Some still believe in a higher power, a divine being called God, and some who are like me believe in both a God and Goddess.


There is a part of us that we cannot find inside us but we know it is there. This inner knowing seems to be in touch with our inner voice.


In parapsychology, we are learning that it has to do with our spirit energy that connects to our nerves, which are the electrical connections to our entire physical body. The nervous system is a very important part, one of my lessons to learn about in this life is how the mind is not the brain, and yet we are all alive on earth with this inner essence that at the present time cannot be found to exist in only one place such as the brain. It is now thought that our spirit which is attached to the inner self is also attached elsewhere outside of our physical containers we call a body-mind-spirit.


Finding this electrical energy connection is in medical terms traced throughout our body in the nerves that are attached throughout our physical body and run back into our spinal cord, which is attached to our brain. We know this through many years of discovery though autopsies, taking the physical body apart, and looking at it. We have experimented through the years and are still experimenting. The physical body is a wonder to behold. We should never underestimate the amazing creation we call ourselves. We are all a part of the humanoid species that compared to all other living creatures on earth are dominant and intelligent. We can think and outwit all other creatures on earth.


How we compare to all other creatures is one of the clues that we are not alone in the universe. We cannot be the only humanoids in this vast place we call space. For now, many still think that we are the only universe. This too will change.


We are only one universe inside another creation called a metaverse, multiverse, and polyverse. We as the general populace have not decided on only one world for this other place in space. However, we have come up with the next level called the xenoverse inside the next expansion of the omniverse.


For now, we in the science fiction growing our knowledge into science fact are settling on the five main areas as the universe, multiverse (polyverse), metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. This far in time on earth we cannot get past our own egos to believe that anything lied outside of our omniverse other than the divine extraterrestrials we regard as the ultimate supreme creators that are now on this planet considered Gods. It takes a certain amount of us usually one percent to get the new awareness ball rolling towards the truth.


For now, we are approaching 7 billion, which in the past has been the number of our God and Goddess Supreme creators for this world and at which time many are taken to live in another place in space that has been terra formed.


There are many on earth that has been taken and some have chosen not to go to a new world. They are allowed to stay behind because it was a freewill choice if approached by these extraterrestrials. Now, don’t discount what I am saying because there are others who have done research and there are stories out there of some of us humanoids who have been born on earth and have been allowed to know some of these humanoids that some would consider aliens because they are not born on earth and are on these spacecraft not of earth origin we call UFOS.


I believe in the many levels of this place we call space that is a vast frontier for us to discover while it expands. The expansion includes various levels, planes, and dimensions and not only linear time but astral time and space-time.


When we enter the time element into the equation, we think beyond numbers and algorithms. This new artificial intelligence or A.I. road less traveled we are about to embark on will include the new way to think outside of the time universe as we know it to be. This will take some new wiring in our own brains so to speak.


This is what the date on the ancient ancestors calendars were about besides those who from the heavens came as the sky people. One may want to know more about this date and time in space that has come to elude us all as an enigma. This date has come about on so many calendars in time for a reason. It is another clue as to what will transpire in what we call time on earth. We may say that the calendar stops on this date or just begins again. The time that we use on earth will possibly change. It is up to us to decide if we shall begin again.


Just as we have a B.C. before Christ, and an A.D. after death in most parts of the world that recognize time as Christians dominating time annotations in this way.

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TJ Morris, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Radio Host
Syndicated Columnist/Investigative Reporter
ACO Ascension Center Organization Founder 1990-92
ACE Nonprofit Inc Founding Director April 2013
ACE Folklife Founder

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