“TAKEN UP” Book of Theresa – A Series of TJ of Ascension

Book of Theresa Ascension Age Keeper of the Flame (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “TAKEN UP” BOOK OF THERESA By: Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris  T his will become your letter of authorization that will become known on earth. We shall send telepathic messages to you in the future for now your spirit cannot retain all that …


2012  ETHOS PREDICTION OF ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS RETURNING TO EARTH LORD’S DAY COMING TO EARTH DEC. 21, 2012 T. 11:11 LOGOS LITHOS  STRATUM INFINITUM (Greek & Latin Root Words for Earth) “Lithos” (spelled lambda, iota with acute, theta, omicron, sigma) means stone, and “sphaira” (spelled sigma, phi, alpha, iota with circumflex, rho, alpha) means ball. Although …

Alien ET TJ as ET Contactee Shares Paranormal TIme Series for Ascension Center Network Beings

Alien ET TJ Begins Sharing Alien Time – First in a Series Submitted by Theresa J. Thur… On Wed, 03/30/2011 – 08:39 ALIEN TIME By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris Alien ET TJ shares Aliens, Time Portals, UFO Connections, and other paranormal etc. are about the future in space. Time is growing shorter for us all …

Ascension Center Network Organization and ACE Folklife Goodwill Ambassadors

English: Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics (1927). (Photo credit: Wikipedia) quantum mechanics (Photo credit: Plucker) ACO CORP A C CORPORATION of KENTUCKY USA SACRED BOOK OF THE MAYAN – POPOL VUH   The Mayan  Sacred Book,  the Popol Vuh, is all about setting the stage so that  the Hero Twins‘ father (One Hunahpu) can be reborn, …

Alien ET UFO Community to Share Information in Books and Ebooks

Those of us who are now tied together because of those who came before and made an impact are the true unsung heroes. The mysteries of life make the energy of our essence worth performing and worth living. We share with a drive and passion to do so that goes beyond saying and only hope …