Ascension Center
Hawaii~ Mgr
Janet Kira Lessin ~Hawaii Ascension Center~Manager
JANET Kira Lessin is the Ascension Center Hawaii Manager of the Original Location for the Center for Art~Culture~Education Folklife which is a division of the Anthropology and Sustainability of the Hawaiian Islands Conservation Program for the Water Shed
Emily Waters, shares the interest in the preservation in the Ascension Center Education Program.
Dr. Alex Sasha Lessin, Ph.D
Doctor of Antrhopology is in charge of the Ascension Center Education of Hawaii
located in Maui, Hawaii. In order to find out more about the classes and workshops including
the conferences, expos, and webinars, please call 808-244-4103 or 808-244-3442
Dr. ZZ shares in Astrology and Health and Wellness Programs and is a syndicated columnist with the Anew News Body-Mind-Spirit Magazine and American News Magazine.
JANET KIRA LESSIN ~ Partner Co-Producer with Theresa J Morris on Blog Talk Radio Show Nightly 3-5 PM Hawaii Time./ 8-10 PM Prime Time Central
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